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“We Can't Raise Taxes for Transportation”

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dickboyd View Drop Down
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    Posted: 26 Apr 2005 at 11:09pm
“We Can’t Raise Taxes for Transportation”

That’s what some elected officials tell us.

Here’s the increase local governments are requiring the average single family homeowner to pay in local property taxes in just one year -- 2005 as opposed to 2004.

Arlington County

City of Alexandria

Fairfax County

Loudoun County

Prince William County

* Recommended for adoption May 2nd.

Here’s the increase state government has required homeowner/motorists to pay in state gas taxes each year for nearly 20 years --


In fact when inflation is taken into consideration, the 17.5-cent per gallon tax Virginians began to pay in 1987 is equivalent to 10.5-cents per gallon in today’s dollars. When miles per gallon improvements are considered, the cost is even less.

Each year elected officials require taxpayers to pony up more to meet increased demands on schools, health care, public safety and other basic services…except transportation.

And it shows.


A 10-cent per gallon gas tax increase would cost the average motorist $60 per year.

Contact Info

The Alliance Alert is a free online update on regional transportation issues and public involvement opportunities provided by the Northern Virginia Transportation Alliance. For more information on regional transportation issues and NVTA, please visit our website at


Northern Virginia Transportation Alliance
P.O. Box 6149
McLean, Virginia 22106-6149
tel 703-883-1830
fax 703-883-1850
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote JK 14 n G Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 27 Apr 2005 at 1:10pm
Thanks for this information....just one question...why don't you include any information about Stafford and Spotsylvania Counties? A lot of us come from way down yonder, and since our Boards like to meet in the middle of the week, it's hard to stay on top of these things!

Let's fill up the Rt. 17 lot and ease up on Mine Rd.!!
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote uhura2 Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 27 Apr 2005 at 1:16pm
Thanks for posting that, dickboyd.

It is truly amazing how a key item like transportation has been neglected by our elected officials.

Prince William County-esp the Woodbridge area is growing exponentially. This is great, but if we don't have the basic infrastructure in place to support the growth, the quality of life will decline for all of us...
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote dickboyd Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 27 Apr 2005 at 5:14pm
Originally posted by JK 14 n G
[br]Thanks for this information....just one question...why don't you include any information about Stafford and Spotsylvania Counties? A lot of us come from way down yonder, and since our Boards like to meet in the middle of the week, it's hard to stay on top of these things!

Let's fill up the Rt. 17 lot and ease up on Mine Rd.!!

Civics 301

This may be a long digression. Hit delete now before you fall asleep and your head falls on the keyboard.

Virginia is a Dillon Rule State.

Dillon Rule?

There are two philosophies on sharing authority from the state to local government. Home Rule and Dillon Rule.

In a Home Rule State, a local government can do anything it wants as long as the state does not prohibit it. Local Government can collect taxes, set up speed traps, red light cameras, slug parking, set the school curriclum, etc. Local government usually cannot impose the death penalty, establish independent traffic laws or duplicate a state function, such as highway patrol or VDOT.

In a Dillon Rule State, a local government cannot do anything unless the State specifically authorizes it.

A conflict on taxing policy is getting Virginia to authorize a local government to impose a tax and then getting the local government to collect that tax.

Virginia hesitates to authorize a local government to collect taxes, especially if the request for taxing comes from Northern Virginia. Once the authority is granted, the local government hestitates to use the new found power. Collecting the authorized tax makes the local politician look like a money grubbing crook. Let the state collect the taxes and then complain that there isn't enough tax money available for the school's football team or marching band. This is called putting the gold watch on the table.

Even if the local government collects the authorized tax, spending the money on what it was ostensibly collected for is impossible. It is too easy to "delay" spending and "borrow" against the asset represented by those collected assets. Besides, VRE and METRO are senior partners. Those two entities get paid first.

Cities in Virginia can have their own transportation (road) departments. Only two counties are authorized their own transportation deparments (Henrico and Arlington]. Suffolk, the one stand out ctiy that used VDOT to maintain its roads has opted to use their own transportation department.­tories/story.cfm?story=85454&r­an=107659

The City [Suffolk]Council’s decision Wednesday to take over road maintenance from the Virginia Department of Transportation means there will be less money for other road projects across the state.

Suffolk’s share of state road maintenance money will jump from $7.2
million to $15.1 million next year because VDOT will classify the
city’s roads as urban – which means they are funded at a higher rate...

“When Suffolk takes over, that diminishes the overall amount available for other cities,” said Charles Miller, a VDOT assistant division administrator for management services in Richmond.

The takeover ends Suffolk’s reign as the only city in the state that
still relied on VDOT to maintain its roads. The city will now have to
create a road department, but will still get the majority of its
maintenance money from the state – city crews will just do the work.

I notice that many of you intrepid readers have a string of ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ's on your screen, so I'll get off the soap box.

An example of Dillon Rule applied to transportation. If the Commonwealth Transportation Board doesn't OK it (like a slug line) it is most likely illegal. Just turns out there isn't any money to enforce squashing slugs. Most likely if CTB gets around to slugs, the answer will be HOT.

Why wasn't Stafford and Spotsylvania's tax information shown? Just a little too much research for a slow afternoon. The afternoon wasn't that slow. Too many ZZZZZZZZZZZZ's on the screen.
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wdossel View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote wdossel Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 28 Apr 2005 at 8:06am

As a former long-time resident of Hampton Roads and current NoVA resident, one thing that always burns me is how much tax revenue collected from those two areas is siphoned off to the rural parts of the state at the cost of loss of desperately needed improvements in those two localities. In Hampton Roads it was the third bridge/tunnel across the James River and NoVA, well, we all know the problems here. I honestly think if the NoVA and Hampton Roads delegations would set aside their petty partisan differences, the balance of power in the legislature would radically shift away from the Richmond-rural southwest axis.

- Will
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote dickboyd Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 28 Apr 2005 at 1:26pm
Originally posted by RobertLangDirect

It isn't an issue of new taxes. The issue is for a Government that pays for infrastructure first, that gets us to work more efficiently, that we earn more, and then -- AT THE SAME RATE TABLE AS TODAY == pay more taxes simply because we have more money.


Good points, RLD. Yes, the issue is for government to spend the money the way the taxpayers think it should be spent. Even local governments in California are opting to do more of the local governing locally rather than depend on the state.

The structure of the Commonwealth Transportation Board (CTB) is a hinderance to slugs. Until slugs get a PAID representative on CTB, the status quo will remain just that. If you do what you did, you will get what you got.

In Virginia, one problem is that a local government can't do anything unless big daddy state says it is OK. The way the Delegates and Senators are set up, seniority rules. A career politician from Buchanan County will have more say so over how Northern Virginia tax money is spent than a northern Virginia politician that works up from School Board to Supervisor to Delegate to Federal representation.

Sadly, government officials don't think like you. Infrastructure investment is merely a way to spread the pork. Again, many governments are moving towards "enterprise" activities. Much like a water agency that charges for the number of gallons delivered, a public private enterprise will charge for services rendered while enjoying the monopoly protection of the state. Problem is public/private is merely a rehash of business as usual.

Be careful of what you ask for, you just might get it. Ask for transportation and I'm sure you will get trains and buses. But no slug parking.
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote dickboyd Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 29 Apr 2005 at 2:03am
Originally posted by JK 14 n G
[br]Thanks for this information....just one question...why don't you include any information about Stafford and Spotsylvania Counties? A lot of us come from way down yonder, and since our Boards like to meet in the middle of the week, it's hard to stay on top of these things!

Let's fill up the Rt. 17 lot and ease up on Mine Rd.!!

For information on the Stafford County Budget:

The Budget Office supports the County Administrator in preparing the Annual Financial Plan for the County. Staff projects revenues and estimates expenditures and monitors County budgets continually to ensure that the Annual Plan is followed and budget estimates are accurate. Other responsibilities include: preparing and maintaining a five-year Operating Budget Model; overseeing departmental budget activity and preparation and directing amendments to the budget and transfers of appropriations. The Budget staff produces two documents annually: the Proposed Budget Book and the Adopted Budget Book.

Comment: For a County of about 120,000 people, a subsidy of about $500,000 to VRE and $200,000 to FRED bus seems low when compared to adjacent counties.

I like the way Stafford presents the on-line budget. Pull down menus for the major headings. Easier to find. And since it is in Acrobat, not as long to download the entire report just to get one page.
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote dickboyd Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 29 Apr 2005 at 3:14am
Originally posted by JK 14 n G
[br]Thanks for this information....just one question...why don't you include any information about Stafford and Spotsylvania Counties? A lot of us come from way down yonder, and since our Boards like to meet in the middle of the week, it's hard to stay on top of these things!

Let's fill up the Rt. 17 lot and ease up on Mine Rd.!!

For information on the Spotsylvania County Budget:

For a county of 90,000 people give or take a few ten thousand, the budget is extremely difficult to follow. Where does the money come from and where does it go? Hard to tell. I guess the people that live in Spotsylvania really don't care.

The budget does indicate that Spotsylvania is hiring a transportation engineer and that there is a Transportation Commission. FRED seems to be the center of transportation planning.
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote dickboyd Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 30 Apr 2005 at 10:08pm
Sprawl in Virginia: Is Dillon the Villain?

Check the following links for Dillon Rule in Virginia.'s_rule.html

Koelemay's Kosmos

Doug Koelemay

Pull Down Dillon's Rule

In a dynamic economy, communities need greater flexibility in spending public revenue to provide citizens the public services they need. It's time to scrap the Dillon Rule....
-- April 14, 2003

Sprawl in Virginia: Is Dillon the Villain?

The Tenth Amendment limits the powers of the Federal Government: Dillon's rule limits the power of local government.

Unless the doctrine is set forth in the state constitution, as it is with some Home Rule jurisdictions, the state legislature may change the rule at any time. Forty-five states follow some form of home rule. Five states still follow Dillon's Rule.

Virginia strictly adheres to Dillon's rule.

Municipality charters govern over Virginia statutes. Check the local charter to determine whether it grants the municipality unique powers. For instance Arlington, VA, vis-a-vis operation of the Woodwrow Wilson Bridge and participation in a COG. Or any of the older cities and towns regarding income taxes. Several cities and towns have the power to tax income, but do not exercise the power.

Statutes generally apply to all municipalities. An exception being the municipality charter.

An area of contention is zoning. Another is unfunded mandates.

Is another link for planners. There is a ListServ with discussion of local powers nationwide.

In California, the guidance for development is Cortese-Knox-Hertzberg.
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