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Pentagon Slug Lines Being Relocated

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Topic: Pentagon Slug Lines Being Relocated
Posted By: Admin
Subject: Pentagon Slug Lines Being Relocated
Date Posted: 24 Sep 2003 at 5:35am
Effective on 6 October 2003 many of the slug lines at the Pentagon will be relocated to North Rotary Road between lanes 31 thru 36. The move, detailed in the Building Circular PBM-03-29, will provide a "safer environment for commuters and help to alleviate traffic congestion." In addition, the Pentagon officials stated they will provide shelters for slugs as well as emergency phones. - View Building Circular PBM-03-29.

Posted By: wfields
Date Posted: 24 Sep 2003 at 4:34pm
Where in relationship to the metrorail exit will the new lines form? This map is greek to me. Help


Posted By: Admin
Date Posted: 24 Sep 2003 at 9:27pm
Yeah, it took me a while to figure it out too. It's about 40-50 yards due east of where the Horner and Tackett's lines meet.

Or, if you are standing on the lower level bus platform facing towards the Potomac, it would be the small parking area across the street.

I'll try to post a larger scale map so you can see a "from" and "to" relationship.

Posted By: Arbo
Date Posted: 25 Sep 2003 at 1:33pm
Looking at the map, I-395 is at the very bottom (parallel's South Rotary Road). Row 26 (bottom Left Hand corner of the map) is where the current pick-up area is for some of the lines. The Metro bus station is left of the upper left hand corner. The new pick-up area is probably a good 4-5 minute (downhill) walk from the Metro Bus station.

I agree it's a terrible map and there are better ones they could have used.

Posted By: JiggaJynx
Date Posted: 25 Sep 2003 at 2:15pm
Originally posted by wfields
[br]Where in relationship to the metrorail exit will the new lines form? This map is greek to me. Help


Here is a link to a "big picture" map of Pentagon parking, though you'll probably have to enlarge it to read it. Also, there may have been road changes since the map was made, but I think the parking row numbers are good.

Posted By: wdossel
Date Posted: 26 Sep 2003 at 2:53pm
Test drove the new course yesterday -- in essence what you are going to end up doing is proceeding straight instead of making the left turn we make now for PWC pickups. As you proceed to the sateliite parking lot,stay to the right and about 2/3 to 3/4 of the way around you will see the signs for the new pickup points. From the pickup, stay in the right lane, make a left at the intersection and stay to the right an you will end up on the HOV on ramp. My main concerns are going to be (a) backups from folks waiting to pickup slugs and (b) how the intersection traffic flow will be controlled as we are merging with the bus traffic, and we know how they can be at times ... :/

- Will

Posted By: sklynsma
Date Posted: 01 Oct 2003 at 9:48am
Originally posted by Admin
[br]Effective on 6 October 2003 many of the slug lines at the Pentagon will be relocated to North Rotary Road between lanes 31 thru 36. The move, detailed in the Building Circular PBM-03-29, will provide a "safer environment for commuters and help to alleviate traffic congestion." In addition, the Pentagon officials stated they will provide shelters for slugs as well as emergency phones. - View Building Circular PBM-03-29.

I'm worried about the lack of a stack line for cars going to Springfield. Conversely, there appears to be a substantial stack line for Saratoga, but in two years of slugging I've never seen anyone slugging to Saratoga. Lots of folks use the Springfield/Burke lines. I've suggested the Pentagon swap the locations of the Saratoga and Springfield lines to allow a larger stack line for Springfield. Pentagon sees merit to the idea and will raise it for approval.

Posted By: flyboy
Date Posted: 07 Oct 2003 at 3:25pm
I agree. The Saratoga and Springfield/Burke lines should be switched. Also, the current Springfield/Burke line is backwards. The beginning of the line should be nearer to the Pentagon. Some may disagree with me when I say it was a dumb idea in the first place. But wait until that freezing rain is blowing sideways, temperature 20 degrees, and you have to walk all the way to route 110 to get a ride. Then you may agree with me. They said that they changed the slug lines for safety reasons and to that I say bull.

Posted By: savannahr1
Date Posted: 09 Oct 2003 at 1:23pm
I'm glad the slug line was moved. I work at the Pentagon and that little medium strip was fine if there wasn't a long line of people waiting for a ride. However, as lines get long everybody is jammed up on the medium strip and I don't know about the rest of you all but those metro buses get a little close to the curb IMO. And walking lane after lane can be sticky with drives and some walkers not paying attention. I think the current slug line is a better alternative.

Posted By: Gomez
Date Posted: 15 Oct 2003 at 10:09am
[:(!]I notice an amazing lack of outrage here about the the disastrous new slug pick-up plan at the Pentagon. "They" (whoever "they" are) have taken a functioning system and turned it into an incredible bottleneck! The backups loop around the entire parking area, there is no way to form specific lines for "your" pickup point, and then after on-loading your passengers, you have to fight through some more traffic just to get to the intersection to get out. It's far worse than ever! What were "they" thinking?[:0]

[?]Can someone point out just precisely what "congestion" has been relieved by this reloaction?

[?]To whom do we write to point out that this new system is a complete disaster?[:(]

Posted By: trbilbro
Date Posted: 15 Oct 2003 at 10:34am
I agree with Gomez. The Burke/Springfield afternoon lines are totally ruined. They are located at the back of the Slugline massive backup, and it takes forever to get through. Drivers will stop coming. I have considered just standing where the old line, but if you hold a sign the cops will stop you.

The relocation was poorly planned! They have made it worse for everyone. The Burke/Springfield lines were not causing any traffic congestion. There was already an ample stack lane. Why did they move it???

Posted By: Gomez
Date Posted: 15 Oct 2003 at 11:51am
Upon further consideration, although I usually don't even care about "the other guy" [;)], I can't help but wonder how long it takes a poor non-slug-driving commuter to exit that parking lot and get out onto Eads St.? Has this relocation helped those several hundred "C"-parking folks? NO! There is no way to candy-coat it, this experiment is an unmitigated disaster. It's had a week-plus to settle in and it only gets WORSE! The only point that can be legitimately argued is that now the jaywalking danger has been reduced, but in all other aspects - congestion, convenience, and the bottom line, getting people home from work in an timely and efficient manner - this is a failure.

Posted By: wdossel
Date Posted: 15 Oct 2003 at 11:58am
Originally posted by trbilbro
[br]I agree with Gomez. The Burke/Springfield afternoon lines are totally ruined. They are located at the back of the Slugline massive backup, and it takes forever to get through. Drivers will stop coming. I have considered just standing where the old line, but if you hold a sign the cops will stop you.

The relocation was poorly planned! They have made it worse for everyone. The Burke/Springfield lines were not causing any traffic congestion. There was already an ample stack lane. Why did they move it???

It's not just the Burke Springfield lines that got hosed, everyone did. It took me 57 minutes to get from entry point into this cul-de-sac from heck until I left for P. Mills -- with one slug @ 1759 [}:)] I truly believe the folks behind this mess (most likely suspects -- DPS) were merely looking at how to move/contain the "problem" rather than with any view to the efficiency/efficacy of the "solution." With multiple "entry" points to the slugging lane (and by extension, multiple exit points) traffic blockage is guaranteed and gridlock is frequently the case as folks use the middle lane to transit to an entry point further down the pickup lane (e.g., 234, P. Mills)compete with those exiting the slug lane. If I wanted to sit in traffic for an hour I can do that on 395/95S, at least there I have the illusion of making progress towards home [:I]

- Will

Posted By: Kitchensva
Date Posted: 15 Oct 2003 at 3:16pm
Yes, would somebody please let us know to whom we can complain about this mess. Why they took something that worked perfectly well and turned it into a complete failure is beyond me! I think I might start trying the Rosslyn slug line when it starts on Monday or may have to go back to the Fairfax Connector. The way it is now either people are going to stop lining up for rides and/or drivers are going to stop trying to get into the bottleneck to pick up slugs. Somebody sure messed this up!!

Posted By: wdossel
Date Posted: 15 Oct 2003 at 4:37pm
Originally posted by Kitchensva
[br]Yes, would somebody please let us know to whom we can complain about this mess.

Posted in a new thread at:

- Will

Posted By: Arbo
Date Posted: 16 Oct 2003 at 10:33am
Gomez, the congestion before was at the insection on Rotary Rd south of Eads, where the next street goes under 395 and the the slug line exit for the Stafford county and points south line. the backups here were HORRENDOUS, with traffic routinely backing up on Rotary road all the way to the off ramp+, drivers picking up Stafford/Frederiscksburg slugs couldn't get onto Rotary Rd (people wouldn't let them out onto Rotary Road), and people coming from under 395 also had hard time turning onto Rotary Rd (for same reason). I have noticed this past week that the traffic on that stretch of Rotary Rd is MUCH better (at least during the 1700-1800 time frame).

Posted By: trbilbro
Date Posted: 16 Oct 2003 at 7:37pm
Maybe the Stafford and Fredricksburg folks got a better deal out this move, but best I can tell everyone else got hosed, especially those of us going to Springfield and Burke (who started the slugging concept years ago!). The old Springfield line had an ample stack lane that was rarely near capacity and it was served by a crosswalk.

They just shifted the problem.

Posted By: mirangus
Date Posted: 17 Oct 2003 at 10:46am
Originally posted by trbilbro
[br]especially those of us going to Springfield and Burke (who started the slugging concept years ago!).

Forgive me, I don't see the relevence of that statement. Just because you happen to slug from slugging's origin doesn't give those right to preferential treatment. That's like saying that Delawarians' freedom of speech is better than anyone else's because they were the first to ratify the Constitution. Doesn't work like that. Changes affect everyone. Some positive, some negative. The last change of the PW county lines REALLY screwed the Stafford/F'burg lines!! We had to navigate through that crap twice!! And we had to endure that for months!! And guess what, we finally got a break. Perhaps there will be another change and you will get a break next.

Here's another idea. And I mean no offense by this... You have made lots of negative comments and gripes concerning the recent changes. I don't know what's going on and cannot help you. But you know very well what's going on and can help yourself... How about coming up with a solution instead of complaining about the problem. You will get much further in your quest for slugging utopia then you will by belly aching. Seriously. If you don't believe me, try it.

Posted By: trbilbro
Date Posted: 17 Oct 2003 at 12:32pm
The relavence is the irony that the one's who helped create the slugging process in the first place are the one's who get the worst deal. Without that start in Springfield, perhaps the HOV lanes would have been a failure and the X-urbers in North Richmond would be hating life. It's just ironic, that's all. Spare me the Constitutional hyperbole.

And, to your other assertion, I have suggested a solution. I suggested that Sluggers report to the old line. If the Pentagon starts to hassle folks, oh well, move back to the new line or find alternate means. I have also called and complained that the lines be moved back. I have also helped advertise the new Crystal City line, so get off your high horse. I am not bellyaching. I am espousing activtism. That's how this whole thread got started.

Your happier because your situation has improved at the expense of everyone else, and you don't want to see it changed back.

Posted By: Dramore
Date Posted: 17 Oct 2003 at 12:43pm
Your logic escapes me. I currently slug out of Rt. 17, before that I lived 10 years in PR WM County and slugged from Potomac Mills and Horner. BEFORE THAT, I slugged from Springfield and this was when the lines were first formed away from the bus stops. (When this first started, drivers would pick up sluggers from the bus stops, until we broke off and formed lines nearby.) With that said, do I qualify for a break even though I'm now slugging from Rt. 17? Your argument suggests everyone living in Springfield now is responsible for the success of the system. Your argument is empty and silly.

Originally posted by trbilbro
[br]"The relavence is the irony that the one's who helped create the slugging process in the first place are the one's who get the worst deal. Without that start in Springfield, perhaps the HOV lanes would have been a failure..."

Posted By: trbilbro
Date Posted: 17 Oct 2003 at 12:55pm
It is not an argument or a logical assertion. I am just pointing out the irony. It is ironic that the first sluggers are now last in line. That is irony, okay. It's not an argument. I am not asking that the Springfield Burke folks get preferential treatment. Read the posts.

Obviously, the folks who benifited from this change are going be happy with it. Those of us who did not are not going just take it without trying do something about it. Like a said, they just shifted the problem. You're better off but the change has messed up a lot of others.

Posted By: jerryclapham
Date Posted: 21 Nov 2003 at 8:08am
I guess trbilbro has some pull at the Pentagon. Effective 11/23/03 the lines are being flipped around.


Posted By: Gomez
Date Posted: 24 Nov 2003 at 9:08am
Originally posted by jerryclapham
[br]I guess trbilbro has some pull at the Pentagon. Effective 11/23/03 the lines are being flipped around.


Huh? So what's the new sequence of slug pick-up points at the Pentagon? Is Springfield/Burke now the first stop you get to rather than the farthest?

Color me cynical, but I don't see how that will help, as you're still trying to push the same number of cars through the same size "pipe", if you will. The Potomac Mills/Horner back-up will just shift further back, but you still have to get around it to get through the whole line, and as long as cars hang out in the far left lane without getting out of the way for thru-traffic, then all cars will still be trapped, BEFORE picking up their slugs rather than AFTER, but it will all be a wash.

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