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Etiquette and Rules

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Topic: Etiquette and Rules
Posted By: omini
Subject: Etiquette and Rules
Date Posted: 05 Jun 2010 at 6:51am
I drove on June 2 (Wednesday) and picked a rude black man in suite from L'Efant. He insisted I must reduce the volume of the radio. I asked him why he is bordered by the volume, He offered no explaination and was trying to bully me to reduce the volume, so I said no. He then called the police twice inside the car. On arrival at Horner Road, he left my car door open, went behind my car and took a picture with his cell phone.

Riders should be aware of the slugging etiquette. You do not bully a driver to do anything.

Posted By: mycroftt
Date Posted: 07 Jun 2010 at 8:11am
Well, you've already blown your opportunity to back over him while he was taking a picture of your car so I guess your best move would be not to allow him in your vehicle next time. It might also be a good idea to reconsider whether your volume settings are appropriate for carrying passengers. Try to remember that slugs are people, not freight, and they deserve the same consideration as any other passengers in your vehicle.

Posted By: Pentagon1
Date Posted: 08 Jun 2010 at 6:47pm
You don't think it's rude as hell to blast the radio with other people in the car who don't like it? Seriously??

Posted By: AngloAustrian
Date Posted: 09 Jun 2010 at 4:54pm
Goodness - how loud does the radio have to be to elicit such a response from a slugger? I am proposing that it was pretty loud or offensive to the slugger in some way - Rap? Political programming? Although I will tolerate just about anything for my ride home, including loud right wing talk show hosts blaring from loudspeakers against the back of my head, I think most sluggers appreciate a low radio volume and inoffensive content, and drivers should be considerate to TRY not to offend. There are certainly one or two drivers that find it amusing to "educate" their passengers while they are in their car! Remember slugs are offering you a service too - getting you home earlier, just as you are offering them a service. We should all be considerate of each other.

Posted By: go2grl
Date Posted: 10 Jun 2010 at 9:17am
While I don't know what happened since I wasn't there, I think it is rather telling that the only label you use is "rude black man". Why mention a person's race unless it is part of an overall description? Me thinks your slip is showing Freud.

Posted By: Pentagon1
Date Posted: 10 Jun 2010 at 6:42pm
AA - you're right. I get the "education" via radio from the Left and Right wingnuts. That's when I pull out my ipod headphones.
But wasn't there an unwritten rule that you should have neutral radio content like WTOP or something? Or is that just good manners?

Posted By: RetiredMarine
Date Posted: 11 Jun 2010 at 7:37am
Originally posted by Pentagon1

AA - you're right. I get the "education" via radio from the Left and Right wingnuts. That's when I pull out my ipod headphones.
But wasn't there an unwritten rule that you should have neutral radio content like WTOP or something? Or is that just good manners?

We all have to remember this is a FREE ride! I also don't care for any of the wingnuts from either side and enjoy when the drive has different station on, but we can’t tell them what they have to listen to or to switch the station.
Was the volume really that bad? Omini

Posted By: Pentagon1
Date Posted: 16 Jun 2010 at 7:16am
And drivers need to realize they are getting a FREE ticket to the HOV. It's mutualy beneficial folks.

Posted By: billr
Date Posted: 18 Jun 2010 at 8:08am
I bring an iPod and earplugs. So if the music (or movie playing on driver's DVD console! is too loud, i retreat to my sanctuary.

Posted By: billr
Date Posted: 18 Jun 2010 at 8:12am
Omini, here's a snippet from this website's etiquette section:

Consideration - both drivers and slugs should use common consideration during the commute. For example, drivers should try to use a relatively clean car, avoid heavy use of perfumes or colognes, and keep the radio at a moderate level.

So, if your radio was loud...

Posted By: CJ
Date Posted: 18 Jun 2010 at 9:11pm
To all of you that think it mutually and equally beneficial for the slug and driver, I would simply point out that when they started ticketing people on 14th and Independance this week it was the DRIVERS that got the $100 ticket. I sincerely doubt that any slug chipped in for the ticket. And that's why drivers get to pick the radio station etc.


Posted By: lennydao
Date Posted: 21 Jun 2010 at 11:31am
Lets not pull the race card here 'go2grl'
Afican American is not the proper context for all black people. If the person was a rude black man, then the person was a rude BLACK man.
Anyways, I'm a 3-timer on I'm greatful now for picking up slugs. I never been a slug but if your radio was a loud enough for someone to ask you to turn it down...then maybe it was loud, but if he was a jerk about it, then I say turn it louder and also turn on the heater and press the lock window button so he can't roll down the window. And then put the radio station on the spanish channel.

Posted By: Our Mom Spot
Date Posted: 22 Jun 2010 at 3:01pm
I'm with go2,

That part of the description was not a necessary part of the tale.

Clearly what stood out for the OP was that he was rude AND Black on top of it.

You did the SAME thing Lenny.

How do you know he would be bothered by the SPANISH channel?

I listen to Raulin Rodriguez in my car - but no one would guess that by looking at me.

The race card? Why - because someone pointed out an inappropriate comment.

Get real.

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Posted By: go2grl
Date Posted: 28 Jun 2010 at 4:12pm
Originally posted by lennydao

Lets not pull the race card here 'go2grl'
Afican American is not the proper context for all black people. If the person was a rude black man, then the person was a rude BLACK man.
Anyways, I'm a 3-timer on I'm greatful now for picking up slugs. I never been a slug but if your radio was a loud enough for someone to ask you to turn it down...then maybe it was loud, but if he was a jerk about it, then I say turn it louder and also turn on the heater and press the lock window button so he can't roll down the window. And then put the radio station on the spanish channel.

I'm not pulling any card. He could have said African American and I would have said the same thing. Why give a person's race(regardless if it is black, white, brown, etc) and not give any other defining characteristic? Was he tall, short, fat, skinny, any other defining adjective that could help identify the individual? Had he seen the person at the Horner lot before, leading us to believe he might be a regular to keep an eye out for? I stand by my comment.

Posted By: goober
Date Posted: 30 Jun 2010 at 3:58pm
Omni, please reply and tell us "objectively" if it was possibly too loud, offensive, or just a neutral and at a moderate level.

Posted By: Pentagon1
Date Posted: 08 Jul 2010 at 10:26pm
CJ - sorry but it is mutually, and equally, beneficial. Drivers pay tickets. Slugs stand in line in hot temps/rain/snow/etc. We could go on and on...

Slugs are doing you a favor. You are doing them a favor.

Posted By: Our Mom Spot
Date Posted: 09 Jul 2010 at 2:32pm
"Favors" equal - for sure.

But liability falls squarely in the driver's lap. Someone here pointed that fact out...and so I think about that & because of it, I am very hesitant to take more than the required number of slugs.

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Posted By: CJ
Date Posted: 12 Jul 2010 at 11:28am
Sorry, but I've been both a rider and a driver. Yeah it certainly sucks to stand out in the heat and the rain and the cold. BEEN THERE-DONE THAT. However as as rider I have NEVER incured a financial liability. As a rider I've never had to pay for gas, No cop has ever given me a ticket for standing at a commuter lot and God forbid, if I am ever in an accident while slugging, it will only be the driver getting sued by the slugs not the other way around, so when it comes to things like the radio etc well yeah its driver's choice. By the way, I also did a short stint riding the bus and it sucked more than any slug ride I've ever had.


Posted By: CallmeMrSlug
Date Posted: 12 Jul 2010 at 11:51pm
I am not sure I understand the whole liability issue. Liability incurs if the driver is negligent and causes an injury. I would presume, and it has been my good fortune, to ride with very careful drivers who insure against liability by driving safely. I would doubt they would drive less safely if there are three or four in the car, because the risk is no greater with 3 or 4 passengers but there might be a slight increase in exposure. And slugs don't get into a car hoping the driver gets into an accident so they can sue the driver. We just want to get to work and home from it as quick as you do. Although I have seen this concern expressed several times through the years, I am unaware of any documented case of a slug suing any driver.

Personally, if a driver got into a minor fender bender, unless I was carted off to a hospital with serious bodily injury, and the insurance company did not pay the expenses, I would never sue the driver. I think I assume somewhat of a risk when I get into a strangers car, and while the driver owes me a duty of care to drive safely, I have never thought of it as a situation where any minor accident is compensable unless there is a serious injury involved. And God Bless us, we have not have had that happen for as long as I have been riding. Most riders watch the road like the driver does, especially in the front seat. I would not hesitate to point out a dangerous situation to a driver or to just reaffirm the concern expressed by the driver. When there is a fourth in the vehicle it is just another set of eyes looking for the same type of problems for the driver. We really care that you get there safely, and we do empathize when traffic is bad, or heavy rain or snow falls. We are all in this together, and we want the same thing, a safe journey.

Posted By: Oosik
Date Posted: 13 Jul 2010 at 9:56am
As liability was discussed earlier in this thread, it was first referring to drivers getting ticketed. But, when addressing potential liability to the driver if a slug is injured I believe taking more than required to drive HOV absolutely increases the exposure of the driver. As I have noted before, I would not leave a woman abandoned by herself and will and have taken slugs past the HOV time periods. However, the more passengers the more possibility that you have someone who is litigous and the more people who have potential to get hurt in an accident.

It's really simple mathematics and a reflection that accidents can happen. No driver is going to know if the slug they take is prone to file litigation if something bad happens -- I just choose not to rob slugs from other drivers and to increase my liability without good cause.

Posted By: Pentagon1
Date Posted: 17 Jul 2010 at 11:39am
CJ - I have been both rider and driver as well. Mostly driving daily for last 6 months or so. But I think you're missing the point -- You choose to drive. Slugs choose to ride.
If it was too much for someone to pay gas, incur potential liability, etc, then they don't drive. And if it's too much for slugs to tolerate rude drivers then they don't slug (which is one reason I switched to driving).

But the attitude that slugs are somehow obliged to tolerate rude drivers because they are somehow "doing them a favor" is ridiculous.

Posted By: CJ
Date Posted: 17 Jul 2010 at 2:54pm
I never said that riders should tolerate rude drivers. In fact, I've never encountered either riders or drivers who were rude, then again I guess my definition of rude is different than yours. A driver listening to a radio station that I don't like is not rude. Having the radio a bit loud is not rude, it's annoying but not rude. Slugging is beneficial to both driver and rider-I never said it wasn't and yes I equate the cost of gas and maintenance as equal to the time a rider stands in the elements. BUT don't try to equate standing out in the rain to getting a $100 ticket. Don't equate standing in the heat to the potential liability of someone stopping short in front of you and you rear ending them (legally your fault but maybe not avoidable) and all the costs you could incur for whiplash etc from ALL parties involved. They are not the same.

It's a sad state of affairs when rude is considered to be listening to a radio station you like, in your car, on your way home from work.

PS The driver legally CAN'T listen to an iPod (and Good God the posts on here if someone did!)but all the riders can.


Posted By: Pentagon1
Date Posted: 24 Jul 2010 at 8:48am
I turn it to WTOP when I pick up slugs because I'm pretty sure they don't want to listen to my political talk show or my hard metal music. To leave the radio on that would be rude (in my opinion).

Posted By: greateditor
Date Posted: 28 Jul 2010 at 3:53pm
I also think the initial comment was racist in nature. Why was it necessary to mention the rider's race? I'm quite sure that if the rider were of the caucasian persuasion, the driver would've just said "a man". The whole tone of the comment changed when the rider's race was inserted. That being said, I think the rider over-reacted to the "nth" degree! Calling the police and writing down the tag number was completely unnecessary and over the top. What would the police have done if they were at the scene? They would've given the rider a ticket for misusing the time of a police officer. His actions were completely stupid and unnecessary. As soon as he got in my car and attempted to order me to turn my radio down, I would have immediately told him to get out of my car and never pick him up again. Yes, riders and drivers should always be considerate of each other and abide by all the unwritten rules as much as possible. But if someone doesn't like listening to the radio, that's one of the reasons earphones were invented, especially really good, noise blocking ones. [8D]

Posted By: CJ
Date Posted: 29 Jul 2010 at 4:33pm
Well Pentagon I guess we will just have to agree to disagree on what constitutes rude behavior. All I can say is if you get into a blue jeep going to 234 from the pentagon be prepared for 80s music because I absolutely will not listen to the same poorly reported "news stories" over and over on WTOP.


Posted By: RetiredMarine
Date Posted: 30 Jul 2010 at 7:53am
Agree with CJ when I drive I listen to what I want in my car. It is not loud.

Posted By: BIGNAT
Date Posted: 03 Aug 2010 at 2:21pm
Lol. No matter how long I wait to come on here and read the stories, it's still see the same stuff. This is the second post I read today in which race is mentioned but race is really not an essential part of the story. I guess Omini is telling us to be on the look out for "a rude black man in a suite." Lol. That should narow it down for us. Lol.

Well, like I always say, your cars your rules. People play their music and yes sometimes it's too loud. Would I ask for it to be turned Do I play the raido loud, no. However, as we all know, some folks do. So you rather get into a confrontation with a rider or driver about what's on the radio or how loud it is rather than just bearing it and never getting in their car again? Ha! To each its own.


Posted By: Our Mom Spot
Date Posted: 16 Aug 2010 at 2:49pm
Originally posted by Oosik
It's really simple mathematics and a reflection that accidents can happen. No driver is going to know if the slug they take is prone to file litigation if something bad happens -- I just choose not to rob slugs from other drivers and to increase my liability without good cause.

Well, said.

1) You could be taking slugs from someone else.

2) The more people in your car, the more your insurance pays out in the event of an accident. It's just math.

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Posted By: trapps
Date Posted: 19 Aug 2010 at 12:42pm
I have a issue with you saying a rude Black man! You had what you percieved as a rude passenger peroid. No need for decriptions. Did he ask you to turn down your radioor or insisted you turn it down? I normally play a nice low jazz in order to not offend anyone in the car. Silence is a killer while you ride but everyone might not like to hear blasting music on the ride.


Posted By: BurkeSlugin
Date Posted: 20 Aug 2010 at 10:13pm
You have to be flexible to be a slug. If a slugger feels the need to control the radio station selection, the radio volume, the air conditioner temperature, etc., maybe that person is better suited to being a driver.

Posted By: Pentagon1
Date Posted: 24 Aug 2010 at 7:50pm
CJ - For once I think we agree on something. I hate WTOP and their non-news BS.

To others: The point is not that "slugs control the radio". That is absurd. The point is simple manners. Civility and good manners apply.

I seriously doubt very many people like my music choice. I know that so I change it when I pickup slugs. No big deal. Put on something middle of the road, and at a reasonable volume. It's called manners.

And yeah 80s music is probably perfectly acceptable to most people.

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