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Pot Mills Rent A Cops

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Topic: Pot Mills Rent A Cops
Posted By: koakui
Subject: Pot Mills Rent A Cops
Date Posted: 24 Jul 2008 at 4:13pm
Well I got to Potomac this morning about 8:30 and parked my car and one of those rent a cops harrassed me. I told them you are not the police and if you touch my car or tow it I will sue you. I work for attorneys, try me. I gave them a business card and they backed up. We'll see if my car is there tonight. I'm going to continue to park there as long as drivers will pick me up and I don't care what they say. Its my right and I'm going to exercise it. I got pepper spray for the next encounter. I can use it if I'm feeling threaten so I will. I need to get to work just like they do and I'm not going to drive and waste my money but I will take the bus. I'm very flexible. [:X]

Posted By: 3-For-HOV
Date Posted: 24 Jul 2008 at 4:26pm

This topic (linked above) has already been beaten to death.

It is not your right to park on private property, which Potomac Mills is. If you are not parking within the designated area for commuters, then they have a right to tow you and stick you with the bill -- regardless of who you work for.

If the "cops" feel threatened by you, then they have the right to call Prince William County police on you or enforce the rules by whatever means they choose.

If you need to get to work, then you need to find another lot or take the bus, as you mentioned.

Posted By: koakui
Date Posted: 24 Jul 2008 at 4:30pm
I will take the bus from the Potomac Mills lot. I actually shop there too so I'm entitled. I talked to my area supervisor and she said as long as I do enter into the mall and do some shopping I'm entitled. So I'll go in and buy a soda if my car is towed - proves I was shopping. I'll get a receipt. I'm just a little smarter than you. lol No offense. [:D]

Cruisin in HOV

Posted By: 3-For-HOV
Date Posted: 24 Jul 2008 at 4:37pm
You don't know me so don't make DUMB statements about being smarter. Your post 'speaks' volumes about your intelligence. No offense can be taken if I don't choose to accept it.

So your car is towed, say around 9:00am and your receipt states you bought your soda at 5:00pm. Do you have an alibi to explain why your car was parked at PM for more time than it takes to buy a soda? Maybe your attorneys can help answer that one.

Posted By: koakui
Date Posted: 24 Jul 2008 at 4:41pm
You haven't been with a woman, we can spend a lot of time in a mall plus there are movies, etc. I've spent all day at the mall hun. You don't get super cute by sitting in an office all day, that's for sure. Got to burn some calories and also do some shopping. So there ya go. I'm glad you were not offended. Sometimes people are shocked by my degree and how quickly I got it but book smarts have always come natural to me. Thanks for the compliment! [8D]

Posted By: bulldog
Date Posted: 24 Jul 2008 at 4:43pm
I had one of those stupid little rent a cops try to figure out where I parked when they saw me walking by, and for the 5th time threatening to tow my car if it wasn't parked in the commuter area. I gave the JERK the same answer that I always tell them "You have to find my car first goofball". and kept walking. This one was sitting in their own vehicle that wasn't marked. An older Mitsubishi Montero faded grayish in color. hahaha! What a bunch of goofballs!!!!!!!!

Posted By: 3-For-HOV
Date Posted: 24 Jul 2008 at 4:45pm
I don't recall giving any compliments, Ms. Struthers.

Posted By: NoSUV
Date Posted: 24 Jul 2008 at 4:58pm
Originally posted by koakui

You haven't been with a woman, we can spend a lot of time in a mall plus there are movies, etc. I've spent all day at the mall hun. You don't get super cute by sitting in an office all day, that's for sure. Got to burn some calories and also do some shopping. So there ya go. I'm glad you were not offended. Sometimes people are shocked by my degree and how quickly I got it but book smarts have always come natural to me. Thanks for the compliment! [8D]

I doubt that if you tried to fight the fees and towing that you would have a case. All they have to do is go to your place of employment and subpoena your boss and time records to prove where you were when you were. I'd be surprised if your boss would appreciate the hassle or commit perjury. Have you asked the attorneys that you work for to lie for you?

Posted By: koakui
Date Posted: 24 Jul 2008 at 6:14pm
Oh they aren't going to go thru all that and it would be hard to find out where I work but yes we do what it takes to get our employees here and on time. We've had to that before with jury duty and such so sometimes it can't be avoided. BUT my car was there so no worries. Another day free. I love what bulldog says. That's so classic. I guess everyone needs to feel important huh boys?

Cruisin in HOV

Posted By: 3-For-HOV
Date Posted: 24 Jul 2008 at 9:41pm
Originally posted by bulldog

I had one of those stupid little rent a cops try to figure out where I parked when they saw me walking by, and for the 5th time threatening to tow my car if it wasn't parked in the commuter area. I gave the JERK the same answer that I always tell them "You have to find my car first goofball". and kept walking. This one was sitting in their own vehicle that wasn't marked. An older Mitsubishi Montero faded grayish in color. hahaha! What a bunch of goofballs!!!!!!!!


So someone doing there job is a jerk? Sounds more like the other way around. We'll see who has the last laugh when drivers stop picking up PM slugs because there won't be any to pick up or when one day, you find that your car is towed.

Posted By: koakui
Date Posted: 25 Jul 2008 at 10:45am
I think you care way more than we do. You go with the flow. No drivers - then we'll move to another lot or continue to take the bus. Its called flexibility which you don't have. Having a car towed is a real pain and if it happens, it happens, you can't always control everything. I don't like it but whatever. The one that bulldog points out that I'm going to put into place immediately is parking in different areas. That's a great idea and will confuse the worker bees. So some good points did come out of the post after all. Have a great weekend!!!!! Time to go out and PAR-TAY.[:X]

Posted By: racdgordon
Date Posted: 25 Jul 2008 at 11:46am
Originally posted by koakui

Well I got to Potomac this morning about 8:30 and parked my car and one of those rent a cops harrassed me. I told them you are not the police and if you touch my car or tow it I will sue you. I work for attorneys, try me. I gave them a business card and they backed up. We'll see if my car is there tonight. I'm going to continue to park there as long as drivers will pick me up and I don't care what they say. Its my right and I'm going to exercise it. I got pepper spray for the next encounter. I can use it if I'm feeling threaten so I will. I need to get to work just like they do and I'm not going to drive and waste my money but I will take the bus. I'm very flexible. [:X]

I am a commuter who lawfully uses my PRIVILEGE to park at Potomac Mills. I work at Law Firm currently and I am a former Law Enforcement Officer. First, Potomac Mills - all of the property within Potomac Mills Circle - is PRIVATE PROPERTY. It is not your RIGHT to park there. Before the Security Officers began enforcement of parking in the commuter lot (as it exists now, clearly marked), they attempted to enlighten all of us with the new commuter parking guidelines by leaving a flier on all of our vehicles. As read in past posts, that was nearly 1000 vehicles. (Since opening in 1985, Potomac Mills has honored the proffer agreement with the county to provide 275 commuter parking spaces.) The Security Officers distributed fliers daily, up to the date that was chosen (Monday, June 16, 2008) for the enforcement of the new parameters - at the direction of Mall Management. The commuter parking area is usually at capacity by 7:30am or so. Therefore, if one wishes to utilize the parking area, they must arrive EARLY to insure they have a place to park. This is what I do on a daily basis and I have not encountered any problems. KOAKUI, I have read your other posts and I'm bothered with the fact that you openly make threats and display your POOR ETHICS and POOR GRAMMAR. I would hope that the Law Firm that employs you does not back FALSE ALIBIS as well. As I've learned, the mall is open Monday - Saturday 10:00am - 9:30pm, Sundays 11:00am - 7:00pm. The Security Officers/Mall Management welcome patrons to browse starting at 9:00am, weekdays (the time at which HOV lanes are open). Mall employees, contractors and "mall walkers" who have current registration are the only individuals who have access before 9:00am. Therefore, if you are in the building prior to that, YOU ARE TRESPASSING!!! The Security Officers can enforce that as well. As for identifying the many vehicles that they utilize for enforcement, you forgot that there are many cameras watching you as well! So, rather than trying to get around the rules, why not arrive earlier? You would not have a problem finding a spot and you would not have to resort to posting IDIOTIC comments. By the way KOAKUI, I AM FEMALE AS WELL. I really despise feeling included in your statement: "You haven't been with a woman, we can spend a lot of time in a mall plus there are movies, etc." SPEAK FOR YOURSELF!!! TAKE RESPONSIBILITY FOR YOUR OWN ACTIONS!!!

Posted By: KCWolfPck
Date Posted: 25 Jul 2008 at 1:08pm
racdgordon = win

koakui = fail

Posted By: sLugLiFe
Date Posted: 25 Jul 2008 at 2:22pm

Posted By: toomuchcoffeelady
Date Posted: 25 Jul 2008 at 3:29pm
Koakui - was it you I saw on Jerry Springer last week? Who sprays a rent a cop with pepper spray on their way to their job at a law firm?

ain't free speech a wonderful thing, until you don't like the views being stated? - Ceejay2

Posted By: 757slugger
Date Posted: 25 Jul 2008 at 3:34pm
Do they ask u to move your car if its 8:30? Was the lot full ?

Posted By: Wayne
Date Posted: 25 Jul 2008 at 4:02pm
I hope you do spray someone with your mace/pepper spray. Thats an assault charge. And as for you having aright to park here, PM is Private Property. It may be a business thats open to the public, but you can be banned form the property, you can be arrested, etc just like if you were to go to another business thats public access on Private Property.

I do not want to see anyone sprayed, or see you get arrested and charged, but I think it would set a nice example. Hell, I'll even let you do the same to me because sweetheart, I will press charges then I will sue you. now, go ask your lawyers you work for about htat!

Posted By: racdgordon
Date Posted: 25 Jul 2008 at 6:05pm
Originally posted by 757slugger

Do they ask u to move your car if its 8:30? Was the lot full ?

Good Afternoon! Since I've been parking at Potomac Mills for quite some time, I've actually had the pleasure of speaking to some of the Security Staff there. They have been extremely courteous and some can/will suggest other places in the immediate area where commuters can park. The bottom line is that when the lot is full, it is full. The lot may not be filled to capacity by 7:30am every day. For example, on Fridays, one can usually find spots up to 9:00am. Good luck!

Posted By: CJ
Date Posted: 25 Jul 2008 at 6:36pm
Those were some of the most ridiculous posts I've ever read. Koakui IF you are a real lawyer, you must be either a very junior lawyer or not a very good one since A) You work for a DC law firm but can't afford to live closer and must ride the bus and B) Don't understand basic laws related to private property. There are additional problems with stuff you spouted but I haven't the energy to type them all. The word ENTITLEMENT should be banned from the English language. No one is entitled to anything, least of all a free parking space at a private business you are not even patronizing. Lawyers are a dime a dozen, open your own firm in Prince William COunty, I'm sure there's room for one more ambulance chaser, then you won't have to take the bus!


Posted By: ceejay2
Date Posted: 27 Jul 2008 at 10:26pm
Originally posted by koakui

I think you care way more than we do. You go with the flow. No drivers - then we'll move to another lot or continue to take the bus. Its called flexibility which you don't have. Having a car towed is a real pain and if it happens, it happens, you can't always control everything. I don't like it but whatever. The one that bulldog points out that I'm going to put into place immediately is parking in different areas. That's a great idea and will confuse the worker bees. So some good points did come out of the post after all. Have a great weekend!!!!! Time to go out and PAR-TAY.[:X]

done PAR-TAYing, sweetie? was your car still there after you made an ass of yourself? see, sometimes even baby legal eagles get towed. but ADULTS know that you need to work within the rules. from your posts, you are not an adult. fly away baby legal eagle, until some smarter partner clips your little wings. it's okay, you'll grow up. it happens to all of us.

Posted By: slugger757
Date Posted: 28 Jul 2008 at 2:28pm
To be so smart you sure are dumb.

Originally posted by koakui

I work for attorneys, try me. I gave them a business card and they backed up. We'll see if my car is there tonight.

Originally posted by koakui

Oh they aren't going to go thru all that and it would be hard to find out where I work but yes we do what it takes to get our employees here and on time.

So they would never find your place of work? You gave them a business card supposedly. Either you are really dumb or like to live in a make believe world.

Posted By: ceejay2
Date Posted: 28 Jul 2008 at 8:04pm
Originally posted by slugger757

So they would never find your place of work? You gave them a business card supposedly. Either you are really dumb or like to live in a make believe world.

don't ya just love it, slugger757? first this idiot states that he/she/it presented the security guards with a business card, then they state that the security guards wouldn't be able to find them? gotta just love the absence of commen sense, let alone critical thinking skills here. they HANDED the security guard a card with their name, company, and telephone number, and then maintains that it would be too hard for them to be found. what an idiot. could be a problem solved though. most law firms expect their employees to have a working brain.....[:D]

Posted By: Mike2854
Date Posted: 31 Jul 2008 at 12:26pm
Have you noticed the original poster has yet to return to this thread?

Posted By: mpatoka
Date Posted: 31 Jul 2008 at 1:31pm
She probably tried macing the guards and is now trying to get her law-firm to post bail and develop their "poor innocent victim vs. Big Bad PM" court case.

Posted By: 3-For-HOV
Date Posted: 31 Jul 2008 at 2:10pm
ROFLMAO!!!! Thanks for the laugh!!!

Posted By: Wayne
Date Posted: 31 Jul 2008 at 3:28pm
I think shes lying about giving one of the guards a business card. I mean, She does sound pretty dumb but I mean, come on, she cant be a complete idiot. And no I am not bad mouthing nor insulting her, Im saying she cant be, not that she is. Got to make sure to clarify that or ill be called a mean guy picking on some defenseless woman. LOL.

Posted By: toomuchcoffeelady
Date Posted: 01 Aug 2008 at 9:24am
Better dumb than illiterate.

ain't free speech a wonderful thing, until you don't like the views being stated? - Ceejay2

Posted By: sLugLiFe
Date Posted: 01 Aug 2008 at 12:53pm
Wayne how dare you.. just kidding. you are right though. But thats when all the fun starts.

Posted By: Wayne
Date Posted: 01 Aug 2008 at 2:01pm
well too much coffee, if you have any issues with me, we can sit down and talk about them. I have not bad mouthed or insulted you. I have no problems sittign down with someone and listening to their views and expressing mine. I take a more non confrontational approach, which you seem to lack. But to each their own. Come on into the mall sometime (as opposed to just taking up a parking spot and "slugging"/commuting from here. I'll even provide the coffee for a sit down to hear your grievances against us evil, mean, greedy (Sarcasm, in the event you cant read between the lines)retailers who actually run businesses at PM and depend on having available parking spots some what close to the mall for our customers at the time they wish to come shopping. I understand that you and many others do come to PM to shop, but not daily and not for 10 to 12 hrs a day and thats the point. I am all for PM giving an entire parking lot for Slugs provided that it be somewhat self contained and away form where our customers want to park. Whats wrong with that? I think that would be a fair compromise, wouldnt you agree? (Probably not). Im sure if it were up to you, we'd have valet service as well as provide refreshments as you wait in line for slugs. well? Or would you prefer we empty a section of the mall, build a drive thru so you can wait in a quite, clean and a/c controlled space until you find a ride? I've heard that from a few who actually want that, where do you stand on that?
So Toomuch coffee, if you ever want to sit down and discuss this like a rational, adult, let me know. As for insults, I can sling them out with the best of them. I prefer the rational, adult conversation though it is totally up to you.

Posted By: toomuchcoffeelady
Date Posted: 01 Aug 2008 at 2:45pm
Wayne, that would be such an awesome post... were it not for the fact that I slug/drive from Route 3, and have made many posts saying that I disagree with the PM boycott.

You also have insulted me personally - something about living alone with 30 cats? As mentioned before, my beef with you is that you're a troll, a PM shill/plant.

ain't free speech a wonderful thing, until you don't like the views being stated? - Ceejay2

Posted By: Wayne
Date Posted: 01 Aug 2008 at 4:21pm
the cat comment was made, in kind, after yours about my living in moms basement, though mom has been gone for many years now. remember saying that?
So if some group wanted to use part of your employers property, etc for their own use and you were concerned then youd be the troll? am I reading between the lines of "your" logic correctly?
Just asking to make sure I am crystal clear on understanding your point of view about the current "issue" at PM.

Posted By: Wayne
Date Posted: 01 Aug 2008 at 4:28pm
One more thing, so Im a shill/plant for opening a business in PM and having 5 employees who work for me? So it is bad that I opened my own business and have employed several people in the community? Or is it because I opened at PM which is the site of the most recent clash due to Commuting/slugging and gas prices?
Would it surprise you that I offer full benefits to all my employees when I could just as easily not provide them? That my wife (who slugs to her job in DC daily) and I do this because we feel it is the moral and just thing to do as opposed to not providing them and saving ourselves a few bucks? If thats being a troll shill/plant, then yeah I guess I am and damn proud of it then. I could think of a lot worse that I could be.
And if my cat comment offended then I apologize, but your comment about "Living in your mom's basement" was eqially offenseive towards me. So I figure with those comments we traded, were even. THough now that youve made the troll, shill/plant comment I guess I owe you one?

As you can see, no hard feelings towards you, simply because to have any hard feelings towards you means I actually care about what yout hink or say and I do not. Not being mean, but being direct and to the point with no malice or ill will.
Have a wonderful weekend and I truly mean it.
~ Wayne

Posted By: Mike2854
Date Posted: 26 Aug 2008 at 9:38am
What happened to the guy that said he was going to use his connections to do something about this issue?

Posted By: Deanwvu
Date Posted: 27 Aug 2008 at 8:43am
I am guessing the real culprit here is Costco.

They are PM's newest tenant. Hasn't someone here said they were the ones who complained about the "lack" of parking? If they are complaining, and threatening PM, then PM really has no recourse but to enforce their contract.

Anyone know if this is the case?

Posted By: Wayne
Date Posted: 29 Aug 2008 at 8:29am
Costco is part of what got this "issue" going that and the fact that a possible new tenant saw that there were more than 1400 commuters in the lot one day and decided to not sign a lease since they saw this as a potential issue with their customer base. This is what was explained to me by PM Security and mgmt. The fact that even now with only 950 spots, it is more than what PM has to legally give, which is 275 spots.
On a side note, now that gas prices are going down, Ive noticed the lot doesnt fill up quite as fast now. I wonder what happened to all those who stated its for the environment but now that gas is nearly a dollar cheaper than it was 2 months ago, they seem to say to hell with the environment and drive now. Just an observation, and not one against all, just the few fakers who are too cheap to either live closer to work or pay for gas at a premium price.
Any thoughts?

Posted By: toomuchcoffeelady
Date Posted: 03 Sep 2008 at 4:08pm
Originally posted by Wayne

Any thoughts?


1. Fewer people are parking at PM because there are fewer available spaces.

2. You joined this message board for the sole purpose of antagonizing people. Seriously, dude, I'm all for PM limiting its slugger parking, but the tone of your posts makes me not want to shop at your mall.

ain't free speech a wonderful thing, until you don't like the views being stated? - Ceejay2

Posted By: Deanwvu
Date Posted: 03 Sep 2008 at 6:52pm
Go ahead Wayne, keep supporting this decision. Legal obligation or not, there is no GOOD reason for keeping those spots empty all day every weekday. There really isn't.

Where does Costco and every other tenant in that mall think our spending money comes from? It's called DISPOSABLE INCOME. If we blow all our money on gas--that means we aren't spending it in your stores!

For me it goes like this:

1. Mortgage
2. Food
3. Utilities
5. Luxury utilities (cable, internet, netflix, etc)
6. Savings deposit
7. THEN i take what I have left and go to the mall!!

It's pretty straightforward bud. If we all moved close, there wouldn't be a mall here at all...

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