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How do we reintroduce the rules of slugging?

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Topic: How do we reintroduce the rules of slugging?
Posted By: koshie02
Subject: How do we reintroduce the rules of slugging?
Date Posted: 18 Jul 2008 at 4:23pm
With the influx of folks slugging, we need to come up with a way to re-introduce the rules to everyone. I cannot BELIEVE how many people smoke right before they get into someone's car, or talk on their cell phone all the way into the city, or ask to be dropped of at a different location at the last minute!

The cell phone usage is the worst. At least one person did ask if I minded (I said I did, and she did not protest).

What's a driver (and occassional slugger who would NEVER talk on the phone) to do?

Posted By: koshie02
Date Posted: 18 Jul 2008 at 4:40pm
Would flyers with the rules listed on the website help?!?

Posted By: CJ
Date Posted: 18 Jul 2008 at 4:48pm
I sometimes bring up the fact that this website exists while I'm waiting in line. People are always surprised that it exists. I'll say something like "Hey did you see the topic about.... on"


Posted By: Honda_Lady
Date Posted: 19 Jul 2008 at 11:27pm
Yes, it would be nice to post flyers are slug sites. My only complaints are slugs who smoke right before they get into your car, and the few slugs who DON't SHOWER in the morning! Other than that, I LOVE MY SLUGS and appreciate them!!!!
Originally posted by koshie02

With the influx of folks slugging, we need to come up with a way to re-introduce the rules to everyone. I cannot BELIEVE how many people smoke right before they get into someone's car, or talk on their cell phone all the way into the city, or ask to be dropped of at a different location at the last minute!

The cell phone usage is the worst. At least one person did ask if I minded (I said I did, and she did not protest).

What's a driver (and occassional slugger who would NEVER talk on the phone) to do?


Posted By: SlugAtHorner
Date Posted: 22 Jul 2008 at 10:24am
We need to additionally recollect the intent of these “rules”. The aspiration of these “basic guidelines” was to “head off” as much difficulty as possible; to think ahead of time what habits might vex drivers and riders. Some don’t wish to ride 30 minutes in a car with someone talking on the cell phone the entire way. Others don’t care. If I finish smoking (I don’t smoke) as I get picked up, how might this affect others? If I desire to be dropped off in a different place that’s “on the way”, how will the driver react if I notify them late in the trip? The goal here being communication; clear and early communication. Each person needs to be thinking of how what they do might affect fellow riders. We need to be objective about our habits. If we have trouble with being objective, there are the basic guidelines to help.

Posted By: Pele
Date Posted: 24 Jul 2008 at 8:55am
Change the topic to, "How should we reintroduce manners to public society?"

I was at the bank the other day and the lady in front of me was on her cell phone. The teller called "Next in line" and she went up to the teller and just stood there, yammering away, not doing anything conducive to the business at hand.

The teller was speechless.

Cell phones should be used in public for emergency communication only.

I have been on the cellphone twice while slugging, apologizing when I got off the phone. The calls both started long before I got in the car.
One was a College Financial aid mixup causing an $1800 tuition payment to default and the other was my HMO mixing up my prescription benefits on Asthma medication causing an emergency room visit the previous day... I'd say both qualify for emergency situations.

For anything else, wait until you're at home or in the office.

Posted By: Jlynn
Date Posted: 01 Aug 2008 at 4:31pm
I've been noticing the cell phone trend as well. I think it is rude, and if your phone rings while you are in someone else's car, ask if they mind, take the call, make it quick, and hang up. I can always see the look of frustration in a driver's eyes when this goes on.

Posted By: abbycadabby08
Date Posted: 01 Aug 2008 at 11:56pm
When it comes to my cell phone, I think of it as if I were in a meeting at work. It's on vibrate so I can be aware of an incoming call, but unless it's a number I know that would be emergent in nature (kid's daycare, for example) it can wait until I am out of the car. (Plus the ride is the only half hour I get to myself during the day, why bother ruining it by yapping on the phone?) It's like the other respondent said, basic courtesy must prevail. No one would dare reach over and change a driver's radio station ... or light up a cig mid-ride. Slugging veterans should let the offenders know what is expected of each other before it becomes so much of a problem that people become p*ssy with each other.

Posted By: blacksky
Date Posted: 02 Aug 2008 at 9:48am
Originally posted by abbycadabby08

Slugging veterans should let the offenders know what is expected of each other before it becomes so much of a problem that people become p*ssy with each other.

While getting a ride the other day, I let a guy in the back know about this site and the "rules" section. His cell phone went off and the driver about jumped through the windshield--she wanted that thing off immediately.

Posted By: dudte
Date Posted: 02 Aug 2008 at 10:06am
My front seat rider last week asked when her phone vibrated. I found that polite, appropriate. As a driver I'm very tolerant of the quick "I'm in, be there in 20 minutes" type of calls. Also the $$, family, etc time sensitive calls. As a new rider years ago I rec'd a call from my real estate agent saying my house was set to close and how was I going to sign? House in Kansas, me in DC? I was very appreciative of the grace of the driver. I asked first, knowing from the caller ID that this was a critical call for me.

Beyond these two categories I get a bit unhappy with calls that are clearly gossip,arguements, and other non-essentials. I always treated my presence in someone elses car like I was a guest in their house. I appreciate the rules that suggest that is the polite manner to behave. It is not a cab...

Most riders in my experience abide by the fairly simple "be nice, be polite" rules. The rider last week was apologetic, humble, and quick. In hearing her side of the call I could tell she was making her arrangements to be picked up on her arrival and trying very hard to hurry the conversation. I turned the music down to ensure she could hear. I wanted to tell her "relax, take your time - we are all friends here for the next 30 minutes. You need a ride home from the P&R" That is how guests and hosts behave, in civilized society...right?

Posted By: jbeiii
Date Posted: 03 Aug 2008 at 11:23am
I am sick and tired of hearing about the "rules" as though they were sent down with Moses on a tablet. Common courtesies apply in slugging as they do to all facets of life. What is next an approved list of grocery shopping rules? I have read the "rules" and for the most part find them completely idiotic. If as much attention was paid to the rules of the road around here.....otherwise known as traffic some of you holier than thou sluggers pay to your slugging "rules" we would all be better off.

Posted By: dudte
Date Posted: 03 Aug 2008 at 10:09pm
jbeiii - this is pretty simple to fix. The rules were pretty much handed down from Moses. They are what define those of "us" who are "around here". They are not rules of traffic law but of behavior. Not shopping or any other tangential, unrelated activity. They are "our" rules. While you may view them as idiotic we view them as agreeable. Slugger rules define us.

Your clear disagreement expressed suggested strongly you are not us. While that is OK it will likely continue to make you sick and tired if you stay. That is likely more a reaction to being around those with whom you disagree so strongly. As all this is really voluntary cooperation and it is very Mosaic - as in old (tried, agreeable, true) - this probably isn't the group or the activity for you. Start a group elsewhere for those who agree with you! All can continue to be happy, agreeable and you do not have to endure the idiotic. Sick/tired is sure to diminish. For all.

Posted By: n/a
Date Posted: 05 Aug 2008 at 9:01am
Originally posted by jbeiii

I am sick and tired of hearing about the "rules" as though they were sent down with Moses on a tablet. Common courtesies apply in slugging as they do to all facets of life. What is next an approved list of grocery shopping rules? I have read the "rules" and for the most part find them completely idiotic. If as much attention was paid to the rules of the road around here.....otherwise known as traffic some of you holier than thou sluggers pay to your slugging "rules" we would all be better off.

Let's put it this way: if you want to ride to work in your own car then you get to observe or ignore the rules of common courtesy at your own discretion. If you want to ride in my car, you need to observe some common courtesy (as posted here under "slugging Etiquette"). And if you choose to slug in, be disrespectful and piss off other drivers, then you will piss off sluggers too.

So jbeiii, its your choice; slug respectfully and thankfully, or don't participate at all. But don't screw it up for the rest of us with a poor attitude!

Posted By: guishermo
Date Posted: 05 Aug 2008 at 3:22pm
Jbeii or whatever, you are not getting in my car
unless you keep quiet and don't smell weird
in the morning, and if you want to bring your
friends, there's only room for one here.

Slugging till HOT

Posted By: Deanwvu
Date Posted: 06 Aug 2008 at 8:52am
Don't nag a driver about the AC or heater either.

I was asked once if my AC was on. I said yes, and it was. It was on MAX, with the car on recirculate, and the fan on 2 (out of 4). The backseat slug (same one who asked me) later asked me to turn it up.

I understand some people are naturally "hotter" or "colder" people, and require more or less HVAC to be comfy. If you are one of those slugs--wait for a ride where you can SIT IN THE FRONT. Very few vehicles have rear heating/cooling vents.

Posted By: Moody Girl
Date Posted: 12 Aug 2008 at 3:09pm
Good Afternoon Everyone,

I came on to last week to post under another topic and apparently struck a nerve with another member (I know, big suprise).[:0]

Anyway, as part of my response to this person, I gave him a list of my own personal rules to follow while ride sharing.

I would like to believe that most of us were raised with good manners and consideration of others. Frankly, that's all it takes to make this system work.

I have provided my list below. Again, these are my personal choices and the way I choose to behave. These practices have made my slugging experience a great one for the last 7 years. So feel free to use any/all of them and tell them that Moody sent ya![;)]

1. My family has been given strict instructions, DO NOT CALL UNLESS YOU SEE BLOOD or SOMEONE HAS DIED. My ringer is on vibrate and I do not make/accept calls on my cell phone when slugging.

2. I never eat or drink when slugging.

3. Only speak when spoken too.

4. Only take rides that are going to my specific location.

5. Place all personal items in my lap as not to dirty one's seats.

6. Will not engage in conversations of a sensative nature.

7. Always greet and thank the drivers/riders.

8. I carry a personal fan in case I get hot and a sweater in case I get cold.

9. I do not touch anything in another person's car without asking (visor, window, adjust seats, etc.)

10. Listen quietly to whatever radio station they choose to listen to.

As far as dangerous drivers are concerned, if you truly fear that they are putting you in danger, instead of calling them out on this website, pull out your cell phone and let them know that if they don't chill out, you will call the state police. Trust works.

To all of my fellow slugs/drivers, Thanks and Have A Great Day![:)]

Posted By: writeshorti21
Date Posted: 20 Aug 2008 at 9:03am
I don't know how many offenses are occuring (whether it is a widespread problem or a sporadic disturbance) to need to inform everyone of the "rules"... but the best way is simply word of mouth- I think that is how people find out about slugging, anyway. I know I found out through a contact, and they explained the brief rules. Basically, it does come down to being polite and respectful of those sharing the ride- for both driver and rider (I have played both parts and have tried my best to be accomodating in both roles). If it is a major problem than I would suggests fliers- I know I always come back to my car and find some stupid flier stuck to my windshield- perhaps having something in written form would be a good method of getting the word out. Though, it is questionable who would make it "official" and who would foot the bill- but I'm just tossing ideas. I think the easiest way is if someone violates the "rules" you let them know- politely- and if they do it again? Well... if you're the driver, don't pick them up again and if you're the rider, don't get in with them again... I know I have a few people who I have decided to pass on because of past experiences.

Posted By: n/a
Date Posted: 20 Aug 2008 at 3:49pm
Originally posted by writeshorti21

I don't know how many offenses are occuring (whether it is a widespread problem or a sporadic disturbance) to need to inform everyone of the "rules"... but the best way is simply word of mouth- I think that is how people find out about slugging, anyway. I know I found out through a contact, and they explained the brief rules. Basically, it does come down to being polite and respectful of those sharing the ride- for both driver and rider (I have played both parts and have tried my best to be accomodating in both roles). If it is a major problem than I would suggests fliers- I know I always come back to my car and find some stupid flier stuck to my windshield- perhaps having something in written form would be a good method of getting the word out. Though, it is questionable who would make it "official" and who would foot the bill- but I'm just tossing ideas. I think the easiest way is if someone violates the "rules" you let them know- politely- and if they do it again? Well... if you're the driver, don't pick them up again and if you're the rider, don't get in with them again... I know I have a few people who I have decided to pass on because of past experiences.

I agree that "it does come down to being polite and respectful..." but each person has there own idea about what that means. I think it's up to the experienced slugs to introduce newbies to the joys of slugging, and to remind those who may not be courteous that were all in it together, and kindness always wins out!

A common missed responsibility of those in front of the line, calling back with driver destinations to others back in the line, is one that newbies often miss or are shy about. When I drive, I remind those in front to call back to those back in line. I also lead by example when I slug; I'll walk up to the cars and shout back to others in line, and when I'm in back I always ask up to the front of the line "where to and how many?" Yes, it sounds obnoxious, but if no one says it they won't learn.

Posted By: blacksky
Date Posted: 20 Aug 2008 at 11:01pm
Originally posted by Moody Girl

Good Afternoon Everyone,

I came on to last week to post under another topic and apparently struck a nerve with another member (I know, big suprise).[:0]

Anyway, as part of my response to this person, I gave him a list of my own personal rules to follow while ride sharing.

I would like to believe that most of us were raised with good manners and consideration of others. Frankly, that's all it takes to make this system work.

I have provided my list below. Again, these are my personal choices and the way I choose to behave. These practices have made my slugging experience a great one for the last 7 years. So feel free to use any/all of them and tell them that Moody sent ya![;)]

1. My family has been given strict instructions, DO NOT CALL UNLESS YOU SEE BLOOD or SOMEONE HAS DIED. My ringer is on vibrate and I do not make/accept calls on my cell phone when slugging.

2. I never eat or drink when slugging.

3. Only speak when spoken too.

4. Only take rides that are going to my specific location.

5. Place all personal items in my lap as not to dirty one's seats.

6. Will not engage in conversations of a sensative nature.

7. Always greet and thank the drivers/riders.

8. I carry a personal fan in case I get hot and a sweater in case I get cold.

9. I do not touch anything in another person's car without asking (visor, window, adjust seats, etc.)

10. Listen quietly to whatever radio station they choose to listen to.

As far as dangerous drivers are concerned, if you truly fear that they are putting you in danger, instead of calling them out on this website, pull out your cell phone and let them know that if they don't chill out, you will call the state police. Trust works.

To all of my fellow slugs/drivers, Thanks and Have A Great Day![:)]

Thanks for the shout out Moody! Like I wrote, We're pretty much in violent agreement[:)] do you know I'm a "him"...are you sure? Check all the threads I've posted to

Posted By: blacksky
Date Posted: 20 Aug 2008 at 11:04pm
Originally posted by raymond

Originally posted by writeshorti21

I don't know how many offenses are occuring (whether it is a widespread problem or a sporadic disturbance) to need to inform everyone of the "rules"... but the best way is simply word of mouth- I think that is how people find out about slugging, anyway. I know I found out through a contact, and they explained the brief rules. Basically, it does come down to being polite and respectful of those sharing the ride- for both driver and rider (I have played both parts and have tried my best to be accomodating in both roles). If it is a major problem than I would suggests fliers- I know I always come back to my car and find some stupid flier stuck to my windshield- perhaps having something in written form would be a good method of getting the word out. Though, it is questionable who would make it "official" and who would foot the bill- but I'm just tossing ideas. I think the easiest way is if someone violates the "rules" you let them know- politely- and if they do it again? Well... if you're the driver, don't pick them up again and if you're the rider, don't get in with them again... I know I have a few people who I have decided to pass on because of past experiences.

I agree that "it does come down to being polite and respectful..." but each person has there own idea about what that means. I think it's up to the experienced slugs to introduce newbies to the joys of slugging, and to remind those who may not be courteous that were all in it together, and kindness always wins out!

A common missed responsibility of those in front of the line, calling back with driver destinations to others back in the line, is one that newbies often miss or are shy about. When I drive, I remind those in front to call back to those back in line. I also lead by example when I slug; I'll walk up to the cars and shout back to others in line, and when I'm in back I always ask up to the front of the line "where to and how many?" Yes, it sounds obnoxious, but if no one says it they won't learn.

I agree that folks aren't shouting out the destinations like they should. For the record, if you're first in line and the car isn't right next to you, walk up, ask the destination, and clearly and loudly relay it to the rest of the slug line. It'll make things go MUCH faster. Thanks

Posted By: Honda_Lady
Date Posted: 28 Aug 2008 at 10:17pm

Jbeiii: I observed one driver with the slugs rules posted on her dashboard! Jbeiii, if there are no rules in slugging, it would become a frantic system.
Originally posted by jbeiii

I am sick and tired of hearing about the "rules" as though they were sent down with Moses on a tablet. Common courtesies apply in slugging as they do to all facets of life. What is next an approved list of grocery shopping rules? I have read the "rules" and for the most part find them completely idiotic. If as much attention was paid to the rules of the road around here.....otherwise known as traffic some of you holier than thou sluggers pay to your slugging "rules" we would all be better off.


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