Are you tired of the length of the slug-lines lately? If you are and have looked into the option of carpooling....I have too and would like to start one.
An ideal carpool for me would consist of the following:
3 additional drivers with clean, reliable cars. Drivers would be willing to take turns driving (once a week, but twice a week approx. once a month). Parking would be paid by the driver for that day at the lot of the driver's choosing.
The carpool would meet at a Park & Ride lot on Rt.3 (Gordon preferred, but UKrops works too). The carpool would leave at 6:00am and arrive in DC at approx. 7:00am-7:10am.
Ideally, all members of the carpool would work within a 4-5 block radius of 14th & K St, NW.
The carpool would leave shortly after 4:00 (4:05-4:10) and make the required pick-ups. Ideally, we all would be closely located and could meet at a convenient location for the driver to pick-up. Hopefully, we would be across the 14th St. bridge NLT 4:15 and get back to the lot by 5:20-5:30pm.
Estimated monthly cost for this carpool would be $120 - $130 (you only pay for parking and gas for the days you drive).
If the above info is close to what you are looking for, but needs a little adjustment, please feel free to post your requirements here and maybe we can all compromise.
If interested, I can be contacted at
Thank you.