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Trashy cars

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Topic: Trashy cars
Posted By: elisabeth64
Subject: Trashy cars
Date Posted: 05 Mar 2008 at 3:37pm
I drive 50% of the time. In consideration of my slugs I make sure my car is free of trash and debris before I head to the slugline. I wish all my fellow drivers took a moment to do this.

This morning I got into a car that was just nasty. Unfortunately I didn't realize how much trash there was around me until the car began to move.

We are all headed to work. It would be nice if we didn't have to share the backseat with Jr's half eaten month old Happy Meal. How fascinating that you like to collect old newspapers dating back a few years. Everyone needs a hobby, however wouldn't it be safer to store it elsewhere? Old disposable coffee cups also have a home. It is called the trash bin. As for the dog hair, I am sorry that I spent the entire ride sneezing. Thankfully I had a good lint brush at work.

Yes I heard you bragging the entire trip about your very expensive sports car that you were forced to put into storage. We were all very impressed. That still doesn’t make up for the fact that you are a SLOB.

Believe me, I appreciate a free ride to work on the days I decide not to drive. I am, however, going to make a mental note of this car and not make the same mistake twice.

Posted By: ohio 7
Date Posted: 06 Mar 2008 at 8:02am
Sadly, the majority of the offenders that we complain about are not on this site.

Posted By: MtSlug
Date Posted: 07 Mar 2008 at 4:37pm
Yes! The other day I caught a ride with someone who's floorboard was covered with soda bottles and the car was full of dog hair and smell. Ughh! When I drive I make sure that my car is clean. Please, fellow drivers, if you are reading this and you are one of the culprits, clean up.

Posted By: blacksky
Date Posted: 27 Mar 2008 at 11:07am
I guess you could ask for your money back. If you don't like the look of the car, don't ride.

Posted By: guishermo
Date Posted: 01 Apr 2008 at 1:40pm
Yo dude, clean up your car...

Posted By: blacksky
Date Posted: 01 Apr 2008 at 10:50pm
No, if you don't wish to get a FREE RIDE, refuse it. My car is not pristine, because I have a few kids. But don't criticize me for offering you a FREE RIDE, while I pay for the gasoline. Are you getting the hint here bubba? As my momma used to say, "beggars can't be choosers." Either shut up and ride, or take a look at the ride, pass on it, and remain in the slug line as a pathetic example of pride goeth before a fall. You ride at my pleasure--get that through your skull and we're cool. Anything else and I WILL kick you to the curb as soon as possible (read, exit 150 south on I-95). Are we clear now? You say one word about the condition of my vehicle and you WILL become a pedestrian at the earliest opportunity.
It is a symbiotic relationship, but be careful as to how much criticism a driver will take. After the end of the HOV, you are at the mercy of the driver, bottom line. Piss me off and you are a pedestrian, and it is a LONG walk home.

Posted By: VA_Slugger
Date Posted: 02 Apr 2008 at 9:38am
Blacksky, WOW [:0], do I hear a little tartness in your response? [?] ? Sounds like someone commented negatively one time too many on your vehicle in your presence. After all is said and done, I agree with you on the fact that it is your car and although it may not be pristine, it will get you there and back. I must admit that I've ridden in only one car that had a stench, not an odor, a stench that I will never ride in again. I keep my vehicle as clean and as pleasant as I can for myself. If other find it pleasing then that's an added bonus [;)].

Posted By: Oxi
Date Posted: 02 Apr 2008 at 1:35pm
Originally posted by blacksky
[br]No, if you don't wish to get a FREE RIDE, refuse it. My car is not pristine, because I have a few kids. But don't criticize me for offering you a FREE RIDE, while I pay for the gasoline. Are you getting the hint here bubba? As my momma used to say, "beggars can't be choosers." Either shut up and ride, or take a look at the ride, pass on it, and remain in the slug line as a pathetic example of pride goeth before a fall. You ride at my pleasure--get that through your skull and we're cool. Anything else and I WILL kick you to the curb as soon as possible (read, exit 150 south on I-95). Are we clear now? You say one word about the condition of my vehicle and you WILL become a pedestrian at the earliest opportunity.
It is a symbiotic relationship, but be careful as to how much criticism a driver will take. After the end of the HOV, you are at the mercy of the driver, bottom line. Piss me off and you are a pedestrian, and it is a LONG walk home.

Wow,I can see steam coming out of your ears! Can you be a bit nicer in making your points? Didn't your momma teach you that?
Just a couple of comments - wouldn't it be a nice life lesson to your kids to keep your car clean? I have kids too and, admitting that I have a couple of "extra" items in the car once in a while, I do try to keep it clean. Otherwise how can you ask your kids to be neat and clean up after themselves?" [:)] They learn best by example, as we all know.
Also, I would like to remind you that slugging works both ways - YOU would not be able to get to your destination fast if not for BEGGARS in the slugline.

Posted By: blacksky
Date Posted: 02 Apr 2008 at 11:09pm
VA Slugger, you wrote: "WOW , do I hear a little tartness in your response? ? Sounds like someone commented negatively one time too many on your vehicle in your presence."
No, no one has commented on the condition of my car, but as both a driver and a slug, I know where we stand. If I accept a ride, I say thank you, and try to be as unobtrusive as possible (and usually try to take a nap). I have not, that I remember, been in a car that had a funky smell, with the exception of cigarette smoke at least once.
I understand the driver/slug relationship is symbiotic, but I have a problem with someone complaining while taking advantage of a free ride.

As for Oxi, the slug is saving about $6-$9 or so per trip (depending on distance/vehicle), while as a driver, I save only time (which could be construed as money I guess) while adding mileage/wear and tear to the car and picking up additional liability in case of a crash. I guess, at the risk of being redundantly redundant, if the free ride isn't comfortable/trash free/quick enough etc... it wasn't worth the price you paid--nothing. As a slug, I don't criticize the ride I accepted because the driver didn't have to stop and I've been there on days when I've waited over an hour to get a ride and was very thankful--not critical. I've picked up slugs at 9pm who had no other way home, and didn't complain, they merely thanked me. What I'm saying here is no one owes you a free, comfortable, odor, trash free ride--be grateful someone stops to pick you up at all.

Posted By: Oxi
Date Posted: 03 Apr 2008 at 9:22am
Originally posted by blacksky
the slug is saving about $6-$9 or so per trip (depending on distance/vehicle), while as a driver, I save only time (which could be construed as money I guess) while adding mileage/wear and tear to the car and picking up additional liability in case of a crash.

Dear Blacksky, no one makes you pick up slugs and take HOV - enjoy your car in any shape you want on the regular SLOW SLOW 395 lanes, and then there will be no additional wear and tear and those strange people who like clean cars and fresh air :-)
PS. Where have you found slugs at 9pm?

Posted By: guishermo
Date Posted: 04 Apr 2008 at 5:55pm
Wouldn't it be easier to clean up rather
than to have to justify not cleaning up
to so many people, including yourself?

I'm just wondering...

Posted By: barfinkl
Date Posted: 08 Apr 2008 at 3:26pm
Bottom line in all of this is consideration of others. If you want to have a messy car, that's your option. Personal pride wouldn't allow me to pick up someone that had to wade through my trash to put their feet down. I've had to do that. I also have had drivers play their radio so loud in the back that I have a ringing headache by the time I reach my stop. I sit there quietly, because it's not my place to say anything. It's their car, inconsideration and all. Then, there's the guy who last summer didn't use his air. It was 104 that day and when we left the Pentagon, I sat there in his nice new van and finally, after about a mile, I asked him for some air or I was gonna pass out. He turned the fan on the lowest closed. When we got to our destination, the second he put the car in park, off went the air. Not sure what that was about, but again, consideration of your passengers, free ride or not, is what should be expected. You'd expect no less of them if the tables were turned.

Posted By: blacksky
Date Posted: 10 Apr 2008 at 10:15pm
Sorry, I've been a bit busy lately...

Elisabeth, et al., allow me quote another posting from another thread that pretty much sums it up:

"B: Get in, hold on, STFU and stop critiquing the slug system with petty whines about whether or not (contrary to the Highway Safety Commission and the Virgina law doctrines wrt rear seatbelts) you get your PERSONAL preferences while getting in the car with a complete stranger for a free ride.

My advice is love it or leave it -- but for crying out loud don't BASH it!"

Overall, this is my general opinion, as you may have already noticed. For the record, if you were to ask ANY of the slugs I have picked up, I try to ensure they are VERY comfortable, to include pointing out the seat warmers and how to operate this if they are so inclined. I also ask if the radio is too loud. When I slug, I ASK if the driver minds if I use my cell phone, and don't complain about the loud music/cramped seat etc...because I am the recipient of a free ride. And, I do drive by the slug lines at early and occasionally late hours and pick up in the hope that someone would do the same for me. I guess that's why it pisses me off when someone, after receiving a free ride, then logs onto this site and complains. If you have any guts, say it to the driver while you are in the car, don't do it via blog. A 30-45 minute ride in messy (or hot, or loud) car is nothing compared to a long walk home. I agree it benefits both parties, but don't bite the hand that feeds you, especially after you've been fed.

FYI, a couple of years ago I was allowed to leave third shift early--about 8:30 or 9pm--I picked a up slug outside the Pentagon, next to the on-ramp holding a 8 1/2 X 11 "610" sign, which isn't even my exit. I picked him up and dropped him off at his car. He stayed late at the Pentagon because it was during the POM process (well know to those in the Pentagon and DoD), and his alternate plan was to catch a train home (!!). Hopefully this clears up the 9pm slug comment.

As for teaching my kids a life lesson, Oxi...Of course we'd all love for our kids to grow up perfect little angels, but generally speaking we're playing the odds. I'm grateful that my girls (so far) don't want any piercings aside for a single one in each ear, and my son doesn't have any at all (not that piercings are bad for those of you ready to pounce, just not our preference). I'm glad that they do their schoolwork and generally respect their mother and father. I'm glad that they brush their teeth and don't have any cavities. Yes, they mess up the van/house/their rooms. If that is the worst they're doing, I can accept that. They'll learn as they grow that a sloppy work area/room/home/whatever isn't cool, but they'll learn it. The reason the van isn't clean is because, yes, they get it messy and between work/school/soccer/baseball/cub and girl scouts/daily life we can't always clean it. If you get a ride in the vehicle, enjoy the ride for the price you paid and don't criticize because you may not know the reason behind what you criticize.

I don't expect a response and probably won't even return to this thread, so let it die--we've all had our say.

Posted By: Oxi
Date Posted: 11 Apr 2008 at 11:47am

As for teaching my kids a life lesson, Oxi...Of course we'd all love for our kids to grow up perfect little angels, but generally speaking we're playing the odds. I'm grateful that my girls (so far) don't want any piercings aside for a single one in each ear, and my son doesn't have any at all (not that piercings are bad for those of you ready to pounce, just not our preference). I'm glad that they do their schoolwork and generally respect their mother and father. I'm glad that they brush their teeth and don't have any cavities. Yes, they mess up the van/house/their rooms. If that is the worst they're doing, I can accept that.

I could not help but chime in one more time before "letting it die" - I think that kids will do much better in life when they have high expectations of themselves that are supported by the parents (and I am not talking here about making your kids' lives hell with expecting perfection at all times). I do not think that aiming at the "lowest common denominator" is the best policy. But then, again, it's just me.:-)

Posted By: n/a
Date Posted: 15 Apr 2008 at 3:28pm
No need to be nasty Blacksky; but it's a good point.

Both rider and driver are voluntary participants. Both have the option to pass on a rider or ride. I have passed on rides because of a prior bad experience with a driver/car. And when I drive I will enforce the "no food/drinks/make-up," and "seatbelts," rules and ask some riders to take the next ride because of prior bad experiences.

I'll pass on one driver because the increasing number of dents looks to me to be previews of the big one to come. And one driver who smokes right up until the last breath before getting into my car, and then exhales inside, is no longer welcome to ride with me.

It's a free world!

Posted By: puglover
Date Posted: 16 Apr 2008 at 11:21am
Blacksky, I can only hope that your house is cleaner than your car. I drive 100% of the time, and I always make sure that my car is clean - inside and out. It is common courtesy. Only takes a few minutes. Maybe you can get your kids to do it - pay them or give them a special treat. You are teaching them a life-long lesson for which they will thank you later.

Posted By: Scraper
Date Posted: 02 Jun 2008 at 5:20pm
Blacksky - you are my hero! How dare someone make a comment about your car or anyone elses after giving them a FREE ride home. Some people just like to complain endlessly about nothing, and are clearly put on this earth just to annoy the rest of us. If you don't believe me, just open up any other thread, and read their words of wisdom, I think elisabeth64 has commented on everything. You sould read how she tears apart another driver because they, God forbid, had their windows open on their own car, what nerve. Don't let them get your bloodpressure up, they are clearly not worth it.

Tip your drivers!!

Posted By: 122582
Date Posted: 03 Jun 2008 at 9:00pm
Interesting to see some things never change.
Too hot, too cold.
Too fast, too slow.
Stinky slugs, stinky cars.
Cell phones, funky music.
Newspapers, and trash left behind (to cover up the spilled coffee).

Keep slugging alive - tip your driver today!

Posted By: sLugLiFe
Date Posted: 04 Jun 2008 at 9:49pm
Keep slugging alive- Dont tip your driver!

Posted By: toomuchcoffeelady
Date Posted: 05 Jun 2008 at 2:17pm
Keep slugging alive - don't throw salt on your passengers.

work in Chinatown, live on Rte 3. Looking for 17 to L'Enfant ride.

Posted By: sLugLiFe
Date Posted: 05 Jun 2008 at 4:28pm

Posted By: 122582
Date Posted: 09 Jun 2008 at 9:14pm
Throwing salt on obnoxious cell phone talking slugs?
You are a genious coffeelady.
Table salt or rock salt?

Keep slugging alive - tip your driver today!

Posted By: toomuchcoffeelady
Date Posted: 10 Jun 2008 at 1:34pm
Depends on the obnoxiousness of the conversation; degree of their BO; my mood, etc. It's a very complicated trigonometric formula; lucky for me I keep a laptop with a decision analysis model on my dashboard so I know which one to throw. (Table salt on the more obnoxious slugs, since it seems like it would equal a longer slower death than its more potent cousin).

work in Chinatown, live on Rte 3. Looking for 17 to L'Enfant ride.

Posted By: Checkers
Date Posted: 11 Jun 2008 at 1:19pm
Blacksky, you are a bully. In reviewing your threads, I note that you left your manners somewhere and haven't been back to pick them up. I'd love to know which lot you frequent, and the vehicle you drive, so I can avoid you. Eeew.

Posted By: Scraper
Date Posted: 11 Jun 2008 at 5:09pm
Don't be messin' with blacksky!

Posted By: dudte
Date Posted: 11 Jun 2008 at 5:14pm
The minutia about which we fuss...

I was in Kerala, India last fall. I often saw 2 and 3 people on one motorcycle. 5 and 6 in one rickshaw buggy. Took a picture of a family of 5 on one motorcycle. I was stunned - no helmets, seatbelts, AC. I'm guessing they were all a bit sticky. I'm not advocating it as a method of transport here but for comparison - they were smiling. Maybe resigned to their fate with happiness but an amusing none the less. No "STFU", no worry about trash, never a mention of the lack of AC or the fact that there were no windows to put up or down.

I too have ridden in the less than comfortable, odiferous, and occassionally crazy vehicle. I once rode in the backseat of a Mustange convertible with a wild woman driving. Music was loud, sun was hot, car was fast. As it turns out she got me from point A to point B. We both smiled. I picked the bugs out of my teeth when I got home...

Posted By: blacksky
Date Posted: 11 Jun 2008 at 9:22pm
Originally posted by Checkers

Blacksky, you are a bully. In reviewing your threads, I note that you left your manners somewhere and haven't been back to pick them up. I'd love to know which lot you frequent, and the vehicle you drive, so I can avoid you. Eeew.

yaaaaawn, how pedestrian (get it, pedestrian, slug, double entendre--look it up...).

If that's the best you've got you should move out of your parents' basement and get a date.

But thanks for mentioning me. Have a nice day! xoxo

Posted By: Pele
Date Posted: 13 Jun 2008 at 7:57pm
I use my SUV for my hobby/side job which is working on cars. There were two engine blocks in the back of it a while back, tomorrow it'll be a transmission... Next week another engine or a rear axle.

I also have a dog. I don't always have time to vacuum up whatever got past her blanket on the seat. The blanket of course always gets thrown back on top of the car parts in the back when I have passengers.

I realize cars aren't always the cleanest.

Blacksky, I'll be happy to ride with you so long as I can get from Horner to the Pentagon and back again in the evening.

Others need to realize that with a free anything (ride or passenger), you get what you pay for.
If you don't like the car, pass it up.
If you don't like the rider, pass them up.

Posted By: blacksky
Date Posted: 13 Jun 2008 at 11:29pm
Originally posted by Pele

I use my SUV for my hobby/side job which is working on cars. There were two engine blocks in the back of it a while back, tomorrow it'll be a transmission... Next week another engine or a rear axle.

I also have a dog. I don't always have time to vacuum up whatever got past her blanket on the seat. The blanket of course always gets thrown back on top of the car parts in the back when I have passengers.

I realize cars aren't always the cleanest.

Blacksky, I'll be happy to ride with you so long as I can get from Horner to the Pentagon and back again in the evening.

Others need to realize that with a free anything (ride or passenger), you get what you pay for.
If you don't like the car, pass it up.
If you don't like the rider, pass them up.

Thanks Pele. That's exactly my point. It's a FREE ride--don't complain. And if, for some reason, you want to complain, do it face to face to driver in question, don't do it here after you've accepted his/her generosity. Belt in and enjoy the FREE ride.

Posted By: serenitynow
Date Posted: 16 Jun 2008 at 2:32pm
Originally posted by blacksky

Originally posted by Pele

I use my SUV for my hobby/side job which is working on cars. There were two engine blocks in the back of it a while back, tomorrow it'll be a transmission... Next week another engine or a rear axle.

I also have a dog. I don't always have time to vacuum up whatever got past her blanket on the seat. The blanket of course always gets thrown back on top of the car parts in the back when I have passengers.

I realize cars aren't always the cleanest.

Blacksky, I'll be happy to ride with you so long as I can get from Horner to the Pentagon and back again in the evening.

Others need to realize that with a free anything (ride or passenger), you get what you pay for.
If you don't like the car, pass it up.
If you don't like the rider, pass them up.

Thanks Pele. That's exactly my point. It's a FREE ride--don't complain. And if, for some reason, you want to complain, do it face to face to driver in question, don't do it here after you've accepted his/her generosity. Belt in and enjoy the FREE ride.

Does it occur to all of you hangin' on the "free" ride theory that you made the choice to drive, and use your gas and incur the wear & tear on your vehicle? I bet you are OK with cruising along at 75 or 80 mph while those to your right are stopped. I know I am. If slugs refused a ride you would be in a bit of a "pickle" as my Gran used to say. You would still buy the gas and put the mileage on, BUT it would take you soooo much longer to reach your destination. Besides that, why should I be "OK" with sitting on grease, or pet hair, or stepping on old food JUST because you made the choice to drive and need me to help you travel the most uncongested lanes?
Personally, I don't care if your car is pristine and I would not complain (and haven't) about every day conditions, we are all busy. on the other hand, when I drive I do take my passengers comfort into consideration, because I commute as both a driver and a slug. Pretty simple I htink "do unto others..."

Posted By: Oxi
Date Posted: 17 Jun 2008 at 10:06am
Originally posted by blacksky

Originally posted by Checkers

Blacksky, you are a bully. In reviewing your threads, I note that you left your manners somewhere and haven't been back to pick them up. I'd love to know which lot you frequent, and the vehicle you drive, so I can avoid you. Eeew.

yaaaaawn, how pedestrian (get it, pedestrian, slug, double entendre--look it up...).

If that's the best you've got you should move out of your parents' basement and get a date.

How rude! I think you really should pick up some good manners class over the summer!

Posted By: blacksky
Date Posted: 17 Jun 2008 at 11:36am
Originally posted by Oxi

Originally posted by blacksky

Originally posted by Checkers

Blacksky, you are a bully. In reviewing your threads, I note that you left your manners somewhere and haven't been back to pick them up. I'd love to know which lot you frequent, and the vehicle you drive, so I can avoid you. Eeew.

yaaaaawn, how pedestrian (get it, pedestrian, slug, double entendre--look it up...).

If that's the best you've got you should move out of your parents' basement and get a date.

How rude! I think you really should pick up some good manners class over the summer!

Hey! You forgot to include the ENTIRE quote...I also wrote, "But thanks for mentioning me. Have a nice day! xoxo" at the end.

Thanks for your thoughtful suggestion though .[:)]

Have a nice summer.

Posted By: Checkers
Date Posted: 17 Jun 2008 at 4:28pm
Seriously. What lot do you frequent, what type of car do you drive, and the time you generally pick up? I truly wish to avoid you.

Posted By: ceejay2
Date Posted: 17 Jun 2008 at 8:48pm
bumping above the spam

Posted By: kayslug
Date Posted: 19 Jun 2008 at 10:06am
blacksky. As i know your words might sound harsh to some..i have thick skin and i think realistically. i totally understand your point and where you are coming from! for get the free loaders who only ride and never dare drive! those are the ones mainly who always will have something to say. I dont like to ride in a dirty car so i clean my car on a regular basis but if i didn't have a problem with it and decided to ride dirty and nasty everyday, the sluggers could take it or leave it! its my car. i'm driving. i pay the note and i pump the gas. find another ride. i am going to stop being so nice to riders. ima stop running my AC. stop listening to WTOP and go back to my mp3 player. and i wont allow anyone to talk on the phone while riding LOL how u like dem apples! matter of fact! ima put a sign in my car that says HEY SLUGS SHUT UP AND RIDE! LOL

Posted By: toomuchcoffeelady
Date Posted: 19 Jun 2008 at 4:01pm
Originally posted by serenitynowDoes it occur to all of you hangin' on the "free" ride theory that you made the choice to drive, and use your gas and incur the wear & tear on your vehicle?

But you made the choice to get in the car, and by refusing to drive, you surrendered the right to total control of the backseat... nobody forces you.

work in Chinatown, live on Rte 3. Looking for 17 to L'Enfant ride.

Date Posted: 24 Jun 2008 at 12:37pm

I am tired of people saying having kids is a good enough excuse to be dirty. I have kids, work full-time and clean most of the time. The other day, I had a car full of stuff and was too lazy to clean it and so I took the slow slow 95/395 regular lanes. Nobody is asking you to get your car detailed, but keep it somewhat clean. It is just common courtesy. As for slugs, please refuse if you feel the car is filthy unless you really do not care. "Beggars cant be choosers" but I have no problem taking the PRTC bus paying $5 so that I can go to work clean instead of paying $10 for gum stuck on my suit to be dry cleaned.

Posted By: dfesta
Date Posted: 24 Jun 2008 at 3:54pm
I have read many of the previous posts and decided to add my comments. I usually will drive and pick up slugs however when I do slug to work I realize the following:

*I may not like how the driver drives
*I may not like the smell in the car (perfume or stinky)
*I may not like that the driver is talking on his/her cell phone while driving
*I may feel the radio is too loud or that I don't like the music
*I may be cold or hot because the temperture isn't what I would want.

The bottom line is that I may not like the "free" ride to work but guess what I knew all these possibilities existed PRIOR to getting in someone else's car.

Gas is expensive so lighten up on getting a free ride.

Posted By: dudte
Date Posted: 24 Jun 2008 at 8:36pm
I feel like I'm really missing out. I want to do some complaining about my riders. I want to grunch and mutter, profane and defame. But what do I get? This morning two riders, mid-career types, who collaborate together to get out at the same spot. All to minimize my effort as a driver. What's this??? Low down good for nothing... making my life easier? Where's the complaint in that? And then this evening. Two more candidates for my agitation. He, a well dressed, polite (thank you sir and so on), soft spoken young man, she a well dressed, polite, pretty, soft spoken soul. Fabulous candidates for some large bore griping. All right - now we're getting some where - they're young punks - surely bad seed - I'll have material and be complaining in no time. But NO - they sit quietly, answering my questions, smiling, putting up with my Iron Maiden, Foghat, and Guns/Roses. Yes sir, no sir, thank you sir. They even have the audacity to nap, quietly, with no snoring! How can it be? I demand some complaining material! I've had it with all the nice, polite, pretty, kind...

Tomorrow - I'll try again. I know you bad apples are out there... I'm looking... I will complain...

Posted By: blacksky
Date Posted: 27 Jun 2008 at 6:01pm
Originally posted by dudte

I feel like I'm really missing out. I want to do some complaining about my riders. I want to grunch and mutter, profane and defame. But what do I get? This morning two riders, mid-career types, who collaborate together to get out at the same spot. All to minimize my effort as a driver. What's this??? Low down good for nothing... making my life easier? Where's the complaint in that? And then this evening. Two more candidates for my agitation. He, a well dressed, polite (thank you sir and so on), soft spoken young man, she a well dressed, polite, pretty, soft spoken soul. Fabulous candidates for some large bore griping. All right - now we're getting some where - they're young punks - surely bad seed - I'll have material and be complaining in no time. But NO - they sit quietly, answering my questions, smiling, putting up with my Iron Maiden, Foghat, and Guns/Roses. Yes sir, no sir, thank you sir. They even have the audacity to nap, quietly, with no snoring! How can it be? I demand some complaining material! I've had it with all the nice, polite, pretty, kind...

Tomorrow - I'll try again. I know you bad apples are out there... I'm looking... I will complain...

I like this guy's style--great post [:)] Oh, and if I'm in the car, looks like the tunes will be just fine w/ me--you could even toss in some AC/DC if you like!

Posted By: dudte
Date Posted: 29 Jun 2008 at 12:34pm
All right blacksky - I've got your AC/DC too. Back in Black, Hells Bells, For Those About to Rock...Right between my Charlie Daniels and Rhiana. but be forewarned - I'm still looking to complain...where are they? all those bad to the bone riders? the selfish, inconsiderate, low down good for nothin'...I can't seem to find them...maybe they just blog but don't really ride?

Posted By: blacksky
Date Posted: 29 Jun 2008 at 11:49pm
Originally posted by dudte

All right blacksky - I've got your AC/DC too. Back in Black, Hells Bells, For Those About to Rock...Right between my Charlie Daniels and Rhiana. but be forewarned - I'm still looking to complain...where are they? all those bad to the bone riders? the selfish, inconsiderate, low down good for nothin'...I can't seem to find them...maybe they just blog but don't really ride?

Ok, if I'm in the car I'll try to fart real loud at least twice and carry on a never-ending cell phone conversation, complaining that your air conditioning sucks while eating a dripping ice cream cone. Oh yeah, and I will DEMAND you to drive me to my place of work in the morning, or my car in the afternoon. Will that work? [:)]

Posted By: toomuchcoffeelady
Date Posted: 30 Jun 2008 at 10:46am
Originally posted by blacksky

Originally posted by dudte

All right blacksky - I've got your AC/DC too. Back in Black, Hells Bells, For Those About to Rock...Right between my Charlie Daniels and Rhiana. but be forewarned - I'm still looking to complain...where are they? all those bad to the bone riders? the selfish, inconsiderate, low down good for nothin'...I can't seem to find them...maybe they just blog but don't really ride?

Ok, if I'm in the car I'll try to fart real loud at least twice and carry on a never ending cell phone ride while complaining that your air conditioning sucks while eating a dripping ice cream cone. Oh yeah, and I will DEMAND you to drive me to my place of work in the morning, or my car in the afternoon. Will that work? [:)]

Bring your CDs and get me a mint chocolate chip ice cream cone, and you're welcome in my car anytime!

work in Chinatown, live on Rte 3. Looking for 17 to L'Enfant ride.

Posted By: wahwah
Date Posted: 30 Jun 2008 at 10:11pm
Wow, Blacksky. I read this entire thread and I have to agree with 95 percent of the respondents. You are definitely a bully. And a wee bit of a bore. Raising children is hard work and it's OK if yours don't learn how to be fastidiously clean from you. But let's hope there is some other influence in their lives teaching them tact and politeness because I'm afraid they will be lacking in that skill, too, if left to your tutelage. It's unfortunate that your possibly valid remarks are completely lost by your blustering, browbeating, mocking manner.

Posted By: blacksky
Date Posted: 30 Jun 2008 at 11:24pm
Originally posted by wahwah

Wow, Blacksky. I read this entire thread and I have to agree with 95 percent of the respondents. You are definitely a bully. And a wee bit of a bore. Raising children is hard work and it's OK if yours don't learn how to be fastidiously clean from you. But let's hope there is some other influence in their lives teaching them tact and politeness because I'm afraid they will be lacking in that skill, too, if left to your tutelage. It's unfortunate that your possibly valid remarks are completely lost by your blustering, browbeating, mocking manner.

To be quite blunt wahwah, b**w me with your one post opinion. I am *thrilled* you've decided I'm a bully by defending my stance--I will never be intimidated by lame, poorly thought out posts such as yours. I will also point out that quite a few here agree with my alleged "bully pulpit" opinion across multiple threads (feel free to take a couple of days and sound them out).

BTW, I'll bet you a dime to a donut that my children are amongst the most polite you'll ever meet, and also value education and how they present themselves to the public.
Also, I prefer "patronizing manner" rather than "blustering, browbeating, mocking manner," from the likes of you--let's at least call it what it is. And to be quite clear, I AM mocking you, but at least you used a couple of fifty cent words to impress your ma.

Have a nice day [:)]. I hope you score a date with one of my detractors, most likely the one who lives at home w/ the parents (see other posts).[:)] I hope I get reimbursed for setting up a "match!"

Posted By: puglover
Date Posted: 01 Jul 2008 at 9:38am
blacksky, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE let us know what kind of car you drive and where you pick up/drop off, so people can avoid your filth. It is obvious that nothing anyone says will change you. I drive every day, and I make sure my car is clean. So easy to do - just have your family pick up after themselves, and maybe on the weekend run a vacuum. It isn't hard.

Posted By: Oxi
Date Posted: 01 Jul 2008 at 10:00am
Originally posted by blacksky

Originally posted by wahwah

Wow, Blacksky. I read this entire thread and I have to agree with 95 percent of the respondents. You are definitely a bully. And a wee bit of a bore. Raising children is hard work and it's OK if yours don't learn how to be fastidiously clean from you. But let's hope there is some other influence in their lives teaching them tact and politeness because I'm afraid they will be lacking in that skill, too, if left to your tutelage. It's unfortunate that your possibly valid remarks are completely lost by your blustering, browbeating, mocking manner.

To be quite blunt wahwah, b**w me with your one post opinion. I am *thrilled* you've decided I'm a bully by defending my stance--I will never be intimidated by lame, poorly thought out posts such as yours. I will also point out that quite a few here agree with my alleged "bully pulpit" opinion across multiple threads (feel free to take a couple of days and sound them out).

BTW, I'll bet you a dime to a donut that my children are amongst the most polite you'll ever meet, and also value education and how they present themselves to the public.
Also, I prefer "patronizing manner" rather than "blustering, browbeating, mocking manner," from the likes of you--let's at least call it what it is. And to be quite clear, I AM mocking you, but at least you used a couple of fifty cent words to impress your ma.

Have a nice day [:)]. I hope you score a date with one of my detractors, most likely the one who lives at home w/ the parents (see other posts).[:)] I hope I get reimbursed for setting up a "match!"

Is there a way to vote someone off this website? I think Blacksky deserves it!

As a side comment, there must be some other VERY GOOD influence in her kids life, because I have difficulty to imagine that anyone can learn good manners and polite vocabulary from such a person.

Have a good day yourself!

Posted By: toomuchcoffeelady
Date Posted: 01 Jul 2008 at 10:18am
I can't believe people are attacking this woman's parenting and children, based on the fact that you don't like her driving style as described on an anonymous electronic message board!

Posted By: puglover
Date Posted: 01 Jul 2008 at 10:21am
Please reread the thread - this started out because of the condition of her vehicle. Once she brought her kids into it they became fair game, even though I am sure none of us feel that they are to be targeted. Any comments made about her children were intended as "tough love" to try to get her to change her ways. Are you as bad a "car-keeper" as she is?

Posted By: Oxi
Date Posted: 01 Jul 2008 at 10:25am
Originally posted by toomuchcoffeelady

I can't believe people are attacking this woman's parenting and children, based on the fact that you don't like her driving style as described on an anonymous electronic message board!

If you read her very first posting on this topic, you will see how this all has started - she made an unnecessary nasty comment. And, as I mentioned before, she is one of a very few ones that is not shy when choosing the language for her postings. That's it.

Posted By: toomuchcoffeelady
Date Posted: 01 Jul 2008 at 11:15am
Originally posted by puglover

Please reread the thread - this started out because of the condition of her vehicle. Once she brought her kids into it they became fair game, even though I am sure none of us feel that they are to be targeted. Any comments made about her children were intended as "tough love" to try to get her to change her ways. Are you as bad a "car-keeper" as she is?

Not knowing blacksky personally, I have no idea as to the comparison between my car and hers. I do keep my car clean though; it's just that some slugs get p!ssy when they can't sit in the front seat bc my stuff is there.

Yes, I saw the comment where she mentioned her children, and nobody had any business "giving her tough love" or trying to "get her to change her ways". Slugs are passengers/free riders, not therapists. That means if you do not like her car, your job is to pass on a ride with her, not stage a freakin online intervention.

Regardless, insulting someone's children is out of line period, not to mention ridiculous when you've never met them. Furthermore, when I see someone bashing other's children; it is the insulter who looks mean-spirited, sociopathic and ill-bred, not the insultees nor the mother of the insultees.

Posted By: puglover
Date Posted: 01 Jul 2008 at 11:33am
ok, maybe the tough love comment was out of place, but I stand by the rest of my comment. I would be embarrassed to drive up to a slug line with my car trashy - very poor reflection on me. And if a rider got gum or something else on their clothes, I feel that it would be my responsibility to pay for the cleaning. After all, I did invite them into my car, knowing the condition it was in. And did you ever think about the liability issue if an empty bottle or can rolled forward under the driver's foot at those speeds? I shudder to think what could happen. But hey, if you have a force field around you to avoid all of that, then keep the trash. The riders will figure it out and intentionlly avoid you.

Posted By: toomuchcoffeelady
Date Posted: 01 Jul 2008 at 11:42am
You're allowed to have your opinion on keeping your car trashy - and I don't disagree with you. Exactly bc of the bottle/can under the foot possibility, is why my car is clean.

What I just don't understand is how my defending Blacksky and her children from vicious and unwarranted personal attacks automatically means I myself have a dangerously trashy car?

Posted By: aesthetic
Date Posted: 01 Jul 2008 at 11:51am
I am commenting without going back and reading all previous posts, and I am merely skimming the few on the last page. My comment basically realtes to the topic of this forum...

Yeah, slugs should just appreciate a free ride. That's just how it is. You are not paying for gas/parking - appreciate it. However, I do believe that those who choose to pick up slugs should be a bit more considerate and perhaps even a bit more weary of themselves and their cleanliness and pull up in the slug line with a clean car. That's just nasty.... I have yet to ride in a truly dirty nasty car, and for that I am thankful. But, how can an adult be so nonchalant as to have people in their car when their car is a pig sty? Do you really just not care or have any pride in yourself and your hygiene or the hygiene of your car? Forget about picking up slugs... how about just the way you keep your car? I in no way claim to be the cleanest person on the face of the earth, but I just see no reason in people's cars being so filthy. I have walked past cars in parking lots and seen how bad it can get... it's like your riding in a dumpster with wheels.

Now, I don't run to the gas station every morning and vaccuum for the slugs I am about to pick up - I'm not saying that - but I do not have crap everywhere! If I do have anything in my car, it will be a bag of things I am bringing to the office and I will tell the slugs that they can slide it to the middle of the back seat so that I can pick up 3 slugs. I don't have them sitting on soda cans, crumpled up napkins, old french fries, mulch, old magazines and dirty diapers, and I hope to never hop in the car of a driver who does!

Thank you to all you clean drivers out there who I have ridden with.

Posted By: puglover
Date Posted: 01 Jul 2008 at 12:04pm
That "you" in my message was not directed at you personally - I meant "you" collectively, as in anyone with a trashy car who felt that way.

As to vicious and unwarranted personal attacks on her and her children, she started it by blaming the mess in her car on her kids. I'm not saying that no one should have responded in kind, but since as you wrote this is anonymous, then if she has the right to be nasty to others, then they can be nasty back.

And I asked her to identify her car so that riders CAN pass on it. With the tinted windows on some of the cars it is hard to see what's inside before you get in and close the door. Although, maybe it's a good idea if a rider did look inside first, because if the car is trashy they can call out to others so that they don't get stuck in it. Some people won't care, but most will.

Posted By: blacksky
Date Posted: 01 Jul 2008 at 5:10pm
Originally posted by Oxi

Originally posted by toomuchcoffeelady

I can't believe people are attacking this woman's parenting and children, based on the fact that you don't like her driving style as described on an anonymous electronic message board!

If you read her very first posting on this topic, you will see how this all has started - she made an unnecessary nasty comment. And, as I mentioned before, she is one of a very few ones that is not shy when choosing the language for her postings. That's it.

Technically Oxi, I believe it was my second post you took exception to:
"No, if you don't wish to get a FREE RIDE, refuse it. My car is not pristine, because I have a few kids. But don't criticize me for offering you a FREE RIDE, while I pay for the gasoline. Are you getting the hint here bubba? As my momma used to say, "beggars can't be choosers." Either shut up and ride, or take a look at the ride, pass on it, and remain in the slug line as a pathetic example of pride goeth before a fall. You ride at my pleasure--get that through your skull and we're cool. Anything else and I WILL kick you to the curb as soon as possible (read, exit 150 south on I-95). Are we clear now? You say one word about the condition of my vehicle and you WILL become a pedestrian at the earliest opportunity.
It is a symbiotic relationship, but be careful as to how much criticism a driver will take. After the end of the HOV, you are at the mercy of the driver, bottom line. Piss me off and you are a pedestrian, and it is a LONG walk home."

In my rejoinder I neither specified nor implied that my car was either a pigsty or "nasty" (Elizabeth64 did in her original post, but not in reference to my my vehicle) or any synonyms for those words. The debris, detritus, or "stuff" in my car is not excessive, nor did I imply it was--I simply wrote that my car was not pristine. I did, however, make what could be construed as a very vigorous "Drivers' Rights" argument. Perhaps you don't like the words I choose, or the way I defend myself, but I'm ok with that.

Oxi, you began the parenting tips to me, followed by puglover, even after I suggested we let the topic die...and yes, I did return even after I thought I wouldn't.

In the end, it comes down to the same old thing: If you don't like the ride you get, ask for your money back, simple as that.

At the risk of baiting all those who love to have the last word, how about we let this one die?

Posted By: Oxi
Date Posted: 02 Jul 2008 at 9:50am

At the risk of baiting all those who love to have the last word, how about we let this one die?

I agree - we should let this topic die. With a hope that maybe you picked up a couple of useful ideas from this long exchange.

Posted By: sLugLiFe
Date Posted: 02 Jul 2008 at 10:49am
Thank you Oxi, but how will we get through the day without reading people crying about dirty cars?

Posted By: Galah
Date Posted: 02 Jul 2008 at 11:41am
now I remember why I left this message board.
Great work noSUV, I mean blacksky.

Posted By: 757slugger
Date Posted: 02 Jul 2008 at 4:31pm
I am curious how will you kick a person out of your car if they complain that its filthy while on HOV-3. What would you do if they refuse to get out of your car on the interstate ? Would you reroute the other sluggers and yourself because of one person commenting on your car?[?]

Posted By: NoSUV
Date Posted: 03 Jul 2008 at 10:44am
Originally posted by Galah

now I remember why I left this message board.
Great work noSUV, I mean blacksky.

I haven't missed you, Bob, I mean Galah.

Posted By: GiveBackToTheLine
Date Posted: 09 Jul 2008 at 3:44pm
Blacksky, it's obvious you don't have any respect for yourself or your passengers. My advice to you is, feel free to sit in the main line while i ride by you in the HOV with someone who cares enough about themselves and their passengers to be clean. It's idiots like you that keep more people from slugging. And btw, the more people see your trashy car, the less people will ride with. Have fun in the mainline.

"It's a two party system"

Posted By: blacksky
Date Posted: 09 Jul 2008 at 10:54pm
Originally posted by GiveBackToTheLine

Blacksky, it's obvious you don't have any respect for yourself or your passengers. My advice to you is, feel free to sit in the main line while i ride by you in the HOV with someone who cares enough about themselves and their passengers to be clean. It's idiots like you that keep more people from slugging. And btw, the more people see your trashy car, the less people will ride with. Have fun in the mainline.

"It's a two party system"


I really don't think we need more people slugging right now, based on the length of the lines, but that can't be helped... Apparently you failed to read my post that stated: "how about we let this one die?"
BTW, I really don't care about the condition of the vehicle I'm in, it's the FREE ride that's important. I haven't been in the mainline for a very LONG time.
I will also point out, yet again, that any slug that has been in my vehicle has been EXTREMELY comfortable to include my pointing out seat warmers in the winter and asking if the radio was too loud and the cabin was comfortable. Again, I'll point out for those who fail to read that I never wrote that my car was a "pigsty" or anything like that, what I *generally* stated was that the slug rides at the pleasure of the driver, and if unsatisfied should ask for the full cost of the ride back if unsatisfied (i.e., nothing). Additionally, if unsatisfied, don't "grow a set" and post your dissatisfaction here after the fact, tell the driver that so offended you immediately, allowing him/her to rebut your objections or kick you out.

Again, have a nice day [:)]

Posted By: GiveBackToTheLine
Date Posted: 10 Jul 2008 at 8:26am
And like I pointed out, the more you disrespect the people that ride with you, the less people will ride with you. If not for the slug, you wouldn't be in the HOV lane, so don't think that you are doing the slug a favor. Like I said, "it's a two party system". Both parties are doing each other a favor and in fact we are all doing the region a favor by keeping the traffic down. I said it before and I'll say it again, if you don't have enough respect for your riders to keep your car clean, not spotless, but clean, then really do everyone a favor and find another way into the city.

"It's a two party system"

Posted By: GiveBackToTheLine
Date Posted: 10 Jul 2008 at 8:29am
One other thing, I wouldn't ever try to kick a slug out of the car. I think that would turn out very bad for you. Remember there are more slugs than you in that car.

"It's a two party system"

Posted By: ceejay2
Date Posted: 11 Jul 2008 at 10:01pm
Originally posted by GiveBackToTheLine

One other thing, I wouldn't ever try to kick a slug out of the car. I think that would turn out very bad for you. Remember there are more slugs than you in that car.

"It's a two party system"

oh yes, and isn't this statement a convincing reason for people to pick up slugs. it's not enough for various posters here to state that drivers should fill their vehicles to the brim. now you are saying that the driver shouldn't dare try to kick out riders from their cars, as they are outnumbered. dude, their car, get your butt out.

Posted By: Oosik
Date Posted: 14 Jul 2008 at 8:18am
I have kicked two slugs out of my car. Once, while in my van, a third slug decided for himself that I had enough room despite the line of cars behind me at the beginning of slugging. I kicked him out although he was a bit incredulous. I could just see him thinking "the nerve of that guy not to give me a free ride."

Another time I was driving in my compact car and had my two slugs and was about to be on my way when both slugs shouted. Here another slug was getting in the seat behind me. I told him that I wasn't taking him.

I also had one slug tell me at the Pentagon that he actually wanted to Rosslyn. I told him that the Metro will get him there just fine and told him to exit.

In each case I was polite but firm and the slugs moved on.

Posted By: Moody Girl
Date Posted: 06 Aug 2008 at 4:30pm
Good Afternoon Everyone,

I would like to take this opportunity to thank the nice gentlman in the black Explorer for picking us up this morning en route to the Pentagon.

I also wanted to let him know that there is no need to post any lost dog signs. You see, I found fluffy, he was all over my slacks when I got out of your car.[:0] Thanks again, Have a great day!

Posted By: toomuchcoffeelady
Date Posted: 06 Aug 2008 at 4:39pm
Originally posted by Moody Girl

Good Afternoon Everyone,

I would like to take this opportunity to thank the nice gentlman in the black Explorer for picking us up this morning en route to the Pentagon.

I also wanted to let him know that there is no need to post any lost dog signs. You see, I found fluffy, he was all over my slacks when I got out of your car.[:0] Thanks again, Have a great day!

I'm betting a lint brush ($1.99 at CVS) is cheaper than gas/parking/wear and tear on your car.

ain't free speech a wonderful thing, until you don't like the views being stated? - Ceejay2

Posted By: Moody Girl
Date Posted: 07 Aug 2008 at 3:29pm

As a matter of fact, this is where fluffy is currently residing until I can return him/her to their owner. Thanks for the advice. Have a great day.

Posted By: toomuchcoffeelady
Date Posted: 07 Aug 2008 at 3:54pm
Originally posted by Moody Girl


As a matter of fact, this is where fluffy is currently residing until I can return him/her to their owner. Thanks for the advice. Have a great day.

You are saying that a car you rode in was so messy that the owner did not notice their pet clung to the leg of a slug? It sounded like you were talking about pet hair being all over your pants...

ain't free speech a wonderful thing, until you don't like the views being stated? - Ceejay2

Posted By: blacksky
Date Posted: 11 Aug 2008 at 10:39pm
Originally posted by Moody Girl


As a matter of fact, this is where fluffy is currently residing until I can return him/her to their owner. Thanks for the advice. Have a great day.


If you didn't appreciate the ride, ask for the money back that you paid to take it. If you didn't like the accommodations, politely extricate yourself from the vehicle at your point of origin as soon as you notice you're not a good fit. How exceptionally brave of you to complain after you completed your free ride in to your terminus. Again and again I point out, you get what you pay for. If you want a cat hair/dog hair/whatever ride in, pay for the VRE or pay for a bus. Otherwise, you are essentially a hitch-hiker and ride at the pleasure of the driver. I know many will say, "I appreciate slugs," and I do too, but I'm not going to: Ask them what kind of car to buy (seen that on the board); worry if my car is pristine enough (this thread); make exceptions if the slug didn't hear where the drop off is, or misunderstood me at the beginning of the multi-mile ride where the drop-off is.

Again, I know it's a symbiotic relationship, but for the most part, there are many more slugs than drivers and we are rapidly approaching a tipping point.

So (I'll be polite here--gasp!), please be quiet and accept the free ride. Don't gab on your cell phone, eat snacks, request obtuse drop-off points, or complain about your ride on this site after you got out of the vehicle (unless it was dangerous and you need to warn fellow slugs). If drivers get pissed off, they'll either become slugs or become melancholy VRE, carpool, vanpool, or bus riders and you'll stand there in the morning/afternoon Sun (or worse) wondering where the free rides went.

TMCL, what do you think? Are we that far apart on this one? I don't think we are. As I posted, my vehicle isn't a pigsty, just not pristine--but I pick up at least three when I drive (four if I've really cleaned up :) ). The kids have just made the carpet a mess because of orange soda (trying very hard not to be caustic here, so as not to offend the masses).


Posted By: Moody Girl
Date Posted: 12 Aug 2008 at 10:34am

Obviously, you did not read my original post. Otherwise, you would know that nowhere in it did I state that I did not appreciate that ride. As a matter of fact, I believe I thanked the driver. My original intentions of the e-mail were in no way malicious they were just to make the driver aware of the situation that he has going on in his back seat with a little bit of sarcastic humor. However, I should have known that we no longer have a sense of humor in the slugging community. So sorry[:(]

I do, however, express an irritation at the idea that beacause I slug to work I deserve to arrive at my destination covered in pet hair. You see, I have several pets and I strive to keep my home and car clean so that my visitors do not leave feeling as though they need a shower. I also make it a point to keep my clothing free of pet hair. I really do not think it is out of line to ask that someone throw a sheet or towel down in their backseat if they don't have time to vaccume the pet hair up.

I realize that the consensus on this website is that if you do not spend a butt load of money to get yourself to work should be willing to accept WHATEVER you get. However, I would like to shed a little light on this for you....I have been doing this for a long time and back in the day, EVERYONE appreciated their roles in this system and they all showed respect and common courtesy towards each other.

Unfortunately, just like Southern Virginia, the slugging community has grown and now everyone has this sense of entitlement and all respect and good old fashioned manners have gone out the window.

I would now like to address some of the accusations made in your post.
First of all, if you thought you were being polite.....try again.

1. My family has been given strict instructions, DO NOT CALL UNLESS YOU SEE BLOOD or SOMEONE HAS DIED. My ringer is on vibrate and I do not make/accept calls on my cell phone when slugging.

2. I never eat or drink when slugging.

3. Only speak when spoken too.

4. Only take rides that are going to my specific location.

5. Place all personal items in my lap as not to dirty one's seats.

6. Will not engage in conversations of a sensative nature.

7. Always greet and thank the drivers/riders.

8. I carry a personal fan in case I get hot and a sweater in case I get cold.

9. I do not touch anything in another person's car without asking (visor, window, adjust seats, etc.)

10. Listen quietly to whatever radio station they choose to listen to.

As far as dangerous drivers are concerned, if you truly fear that they are putting you in danger, instead of calling them out on this website, pull out your cell phone and let them know that if they don't chill out, you will call the state police. Trust works.

To all of my fellow slugs/drivers and even you Blacksky, Thanks and Have A Great Day!

Posted By: toomuchcoffeelady
Date Posted: 12 Aug 2008 at 10:59am
Originally posted by blacksky


TMCL, what do you think? Are we that far apart on this one? I don't think we are. As I posted, my vehicle isn't a pigsty, just not pristine--but I pick up at least three when I drive (four if I've really cleaned up :) ). The kids have just made the carpet a mess because of orange soda (trying very hard not to be caustic here, so as not to offend the masses).


Ha! You're preaching to the choir. I am so TIRED of nitpicky slugs!

No, you cannot sit in the front. You cannot choose the radio station, and if I want to finish drinking my coffee/eating my toast while driving, you do not have the right to tell me otherwise.

And, if dried orange soda got on the bottom of my shoes... I doubt it would even register.

ain't free speech a wonderful thing, until you don't like the views being stated? - Ceejay2

Posted By: getmehome pweeze
Date Posted: 12 Aug 2008 at 2:05pm
Yeah, I've been in those "not pristine" cars.. they usually smell of last weeks take out and you could ID the last 12 people who entered the car by taking fingerprint samples from the windows and headliner.

I appreciate the ride- always have. BUT- if your car wreaks, you have to push more than two empty drink containers off the seat or from below your feet to get situated, or you can tell the breed of pet you own by what was left on your pants when you exited, you may want to think about cleaning up your car before you invite a stranger to take a ride. Free or not.

Slug'n till 2010 (when the HOT lanes roll in)

Posted By: getmehome pweeze
Date Posted: 12 Aug 2008 at 2:06pm
sorry- double posted..

Posted By: toomuchcoffeelady
Date Posted: 12 Aug 2008 at 2:11pm
Originally posted by getmehome pweeze

Yeah, I've been in those "not pristine" cars.. they usually smell of last weeks take out and you could ID the last 12 people who entered the car by taking fingerprint samples from the windows and headliner.

I appreciate the ride- always have. BUT- if your car wreaks, you have to push more than two empty drink containers off the seat or from below your feet to get situated, or you can tell the breed of pet you own by what was left on your pants when you exited, you may want to think about cleaning up your car before you invite a stranger to take a ride. Free or not.

Slug'n till 2010 (when the HOT lanes roll in)

Well here's a question then - would you rather stand in a slug line all morning/evening than ride in a less than pristine car?

ain't free speech a wonderful thing, until you don't like the views being stated? - Ceejay2

Posted By: blacksky
Date Posted: 12 Aug 2008 at 9:59pm
Originally posted by Moody Girl


First of all, if you thought you were being polite.....try again.

Believe it or not, I was. Ask some of the others on this site, I can get downright caustic (most posts removed by mutual agreement after flame wars ensued). I toned it down, please don't mistake blunt for rude. I don't wish to debate you on this, let's just accept that there are different expectations of what is "polite," and move on. Additionally, I wasn't accusing, merely pointing out themes from various threads, and since I don't know you couldn't possibly have been accusing you. But I'll point out our areas of agreement/disagreement in blue below:

1. My family has been given strict instructions, DO NOT CALL UNLESS YOU SEE BLOOD or SOMEONE HAS DIED. My ringer is on vibrate and I do not make/accept calls on my cell phone when slugging.

Agree. I ask before ever initiating a (rare) call, and cell is set on "stun" in case of the occasional incoming call. I will only answer if given permission by the driver and will apologize profusely for the interruption at the conclusion of the (short) call

2. I never eat or drink when slugging.

I will sip a drink while in line, and throw it out before I near the front of the line. I don't drink/eat in the vehicle so, agree

3. Only speak when spoken too.


4. Only take rides that are going to my specific location.

Agree, unless it is a slow day then will accept to somewhere that is an easy Metro ride.

5. Place all personal items in my lap as not to dirty one's seats.

I place mine on the floor, agree

6. Will not engage in conversations of a sensative nature.

Politics, religion, money, etc... agree

7. Always greet and thank the drivers/riders.


8. I carry a personal fan in case I get hot and a sweater in case I get cold.

Can't bring myself to use a fan or wear a sweater. Disagree, but not on principle

9. I do not touch anything in another person's car without asking (visor, window, adjust seats, etc.)


10. Listen quietly to whatever radio station they choose to listen to.

Bring an MP3 player to aid in my nap, or adhering to point #6, agree

As far as dangerous drivers are concerned, if you truly fear that they are putting you in danger, instead of calling them out on this website, pull out your cell phone and let them know that if they don't chill out, you will call the state police. Trust works.

I'll give you this one too, haven't had to go that far yet, but unfortunately, playing the odds, may have to

To all of my fellow slugs/drivers and even you Blacksky, Thanks and Have A Great Day!

Thanks, you too!

See, we weren't that far apart after all!

Posted By: getmehome pweeze
Date Posted: 13 Aug 2008 at 8:21am
Yes, yes I would. I dont like the feeling of having to lint roll and check my clothes for stains when I walk into the office after getting a ride from a slob.

Slug'n till 2010 (when the HOT lanes roll in)

Posted By: toomuchcoffeelady
Date Posted: 13 Aug 2008 at 8:25am
Originally posted by getmehome pweeze

Yes, yes I would. I dont like the feeling of having to lint roll and check my clothes for stains when I walk into the office after getting a ride from a slob.

Slug'n till 2010 (when the HOT lanes roll in)

Your boss would rather then, that you be hours late than arrive on time with lint on your butt?

ain't free speech a wonderful thing, until you don't like the views being stated? - Ceejay2

Posted By: getmehome pweeze
Date Posted: 13 Aug 2008 at 8:58am
lady, lay off the coffee. Your starting to sound like the typical slug lines troll.

Slug'n till 2010 (when the HOT lanes roll in)

Posted By: toomuchcoffeelady
Date Posted: 13 Aug 2008 at 10:04am
Originally posted by getmehome pweeze

lady, lay off the coffee.

OMG, you are SO FUNNY. I have never heard that comeback on this board before.

ain't free speech a wonderful thing, until you don't like the views being stated? - Ceejay2

Posted By: slugger757
Date Posted: 13 Aug 2008 at 12:31pm
Not for nothing but as most admit, it is a give and take situation. We as "the slugs" are expected to follow a few rules upon entering, during and exiting the "free" ride. Is it to much to ask that someone present a decent accommodation in the form of a clean seat and proper floorboard space? I can handle sitting still and being quiet for 30 minutes. What I do not feel is proper is to have to handle that while sitting in Jr’s juice from last night or his cereal that he decided to eat and spit all over your vehicle. Nor do I care that you choose to eat on a regular basis at Burger King or McDonalds. However they do have receptacles that you are permitted to use once you have finished your meal. Surely we all have trash cans at our homes that would be a fantastic home for your trash.

I have been in many cars, I now know at least 4 cars that I will not enter. The one's I loathe the most is when I see a baby seat in the back. I know full well once I get in I can expect a metric arse ton of crap to be all over the back seat. Most times I defer the ride to someone else, I can wait. The thing that bothers me though is that people have no shame it seems. I would be embarrassed to let someone into my car the way some people keep their vehicles.

Coffee not to attack or anything but you seem quite militant on this board. When i do have a chance to read the board you are normally attacking another poster or dragging your cross all the way around these boards. Perhaps a coffee break from the boards would do you well. Just an observation.

Posted By: 610_Slug
Date Posted: 13 Aug 2008 at 3:48pm
Originally posted by slugger757

The one's I loathe the most is when I see a baby seat in the back. I know full well once I get in I can expect a metric arse ton of crap to be all over the back seat.

Then I guess you won't get in my van, since I have 3 baby seats in the back. Yeah, three kids 6 and under could possibly be anyone's worse nightmare, so I understand your concern every time you see a baby seat. :)

I always try my best to keep it neat and apologize should there be a toy on the floor or something. I also will put a couple of car seats in the trunk should the slug line be long, it's cold, or it's raining, so I can take more slugs.

I also have been reading the board from time to time. I third all of your lady needs a coffee break. Not to be mean, but most of her comments appear to be personal and insulting and offer nothing to the discussion. Coffeelady, do you like Starbucks?

Posted By: slugger757
Date Posted: 13 Aug 2008 at 4:10pm
Originally posted by 610_Slug

Originally posted by slugger757

The one's I loathe the most is when I see a baby seat in the back. I know full well once I get in I can expect a metric arse ton of crap to be all over the back seat.

Then I guess you won't get in my van, since I have 3 baby seats in the back. Yeah, three kids 6 and under could possibly be anyone's worse nightmare, so I understand your concern every time you see a baby seat. :)

I always try my best to keep it neat and apologize should there be a toy on the floor or something. I also will put a couple of car seats in the trunk should the slug line be long, it's cold, or it's raining, so I can take more slugs.

I also have been reading the board from time to time. I third all of your lady needs a coffee break. Not to be mean, but most of her comments appear to be personal and insulting and offer nothing to the discussion. Coffeelady, do you like Starbucks?

Thank you i should clarify my comment to say that not all of the vehicles i have encountered (with baby seats) have been a disaster. It's hard to put a number on it, but seems always happen to me :)

Also should mention i do not have kids or intentions on having kids so i probably wouldn't understand. lol

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