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Opinions Solicited...

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Printed Date: 07 Sep 2024 at 9:03pm
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Topic: Opinions Solicited...
Posted By: RCA
Subject: Opinions Solicited...
Date Posted: 01 Feb 2006 at 9:59am
....I just wanted to get the masses opinions on my situation. I work in Rosslyn and live in Fredericksburg. I'm also a DoD civilian. So here's the dilemma. I normally get to the Gordon Road/Route 3 lot at or abouts 6AM - give or take 10 minutes. Depending on traffic I get to work anywhere between 7 and 8 - most often between 7:15ish and 7:45. As we all know - we can't control traffic.

When I was hired in this office I was told that the "floor hours" are 8-5 and my schedule of 7:30 to 4 was approved by the AF Colonel that I work for. Now, I get in some days at 7:45, 8 - based completely on traffic - rain, accidents - we all know the deal here. So yesterday, I got a reprimand about "constantly being late"...I have been charged leave for every time I'm not "At my desk" at 7:30. I have asked on days when I'm late can I simply stay until whatever time to make up the difference and hit 8 hours and been told absolutely not. I am not credited on days when I arrive early, but punished for something I can't control. And yes - I do call when I know I'm going to be late - but that may not be until Springfield or 110 or wherever and by then it's already 7:15 or so. I was told in my reprimand that if I am late ONE MORE TIME it will reflect in my appraisals and my hours will be change to 8-5. [:(!][V]

So...I could get up and gone by 5 and be in the office before ANYONE else but then I'm still there until 4. I've even worked late MANY nights with no comp time or anything.

What do I do? What do you all think? I need to hear it from someone on the outside.

Posted By: N_or_S_bound
Date Posted: 01 Feb 2006 at 1:16pm
Show up to the slugline earlier.


SOV because you can, HOV because you care!

Posted By: RCA
Date Posted: 01 Feb 2006 at 1:28pm
Good answer. And that is obvious...but what does that have to do with me sitting in traffic in the rain or behind an accident? I can't control that. I could get to the Slugline at 5 AM and STILL be late.

Thanks for the answer tho.

Posted By: getmehome pweeze
Date Posted: 01 Feb 2006 at 3:18pm
I had a supervisor like that, more than 5 minutes late, 1 hour annual down the drain, then she would bitch about me to others. When that tractor trailer flipped a few months back and shut down 95, I was 2 3/4 hours late, it was all over the news and the office, I was not the only one late, I even called in more than once, and she tried to make me use annual. Sorry there is no easy answer, try leaving 10-15 minutes even earlier than you do now, is there other routes or forms of transportation you can take?


Posted By: mikester
Date Posted: 01 Feb 2006 at 3:52pm
Your super could charge you quarterly increments of leave instead of the full hour. Supervisers can also grant up to 59 minutes of leave at thier discretion. Unless DOD is different than my agency. I'm glad I have a more understanding supervisor

Posted By: Luvmyhybrid
Date Posted: 01 Feb 2006 at 3:55pm
"When that tractor trailer flipped a few months back and shut down 95, I was 2 3/4 hours late, it was all over the news and the office, I was not the only one late, I even called in more than once, and she tried to make me use annual."

Curious about this comment....I'm guessing you're a govt. employee and earn annual leave? Am I to understand here that if you're 2 3/4 late to work, your office doesn't expect you to use annual leave? If so, I want to work where you work. Traffic problems unfortunately are the problem of the employee, not the government. Now, again, I'm guessing you're a govt. employee, if not,I retract this statement.

Posted By: dickboyd
Date Posted: 01 Feb 2006 at 5:03pm
Originally posted by Luvmyhybrid
"When that tractor trailer flipped a few months back and shut down 95, I was 2 3/4 hours late, it was all over the news and the office, I was not the only one late, I even called in more than once, and she tried to make me use annual."

Curious about this comment....I'm guessing you're a govt. employee and earn annual leave? Am I to understand here that if you're 2 3/4 late to work, your office doesn't expect you to use annual leave? If so, I want to work where you work. Traffic problems unfortunately are the problem of the employee, not the government. Now, again, I'm guessing you're a govt. employee, if not,I retract this statement.

"Traffic problems are the problems of the employee and not the government." Did I hear that right, or did you type faster than I can read? I was under the impression that we elected people to government to hire and oversee the people that provide our transportation.

If government is denying that they have control of the roads, something is wrong.

Please type slower, in words of one sylable or less (or is that fewer?). Pictures and graphs are good.

The Texas Transportation Institute, using "government" money writes reports that indicate one day in twenty late for work is "normal". TTI also goes on to state that the "earlier" departure time to compensate for unpredictability of transportation is a cost of doing business.

Then there is the Assembly which thinks that everyone should be equally miserable, so reversible lanes must be operated at capacity. An Assembly that has forgotten about getting passengers.

Who is minding the transportation store? Pitchforks, torches, storm the castle.

"Government" money is what taxpayers provide to be managed by elected officials. Some call it a tax. Some call it a windfall.

Have you recruited a slug (either passenger or driver) this week?

Posted By: getmehome pweeze
Date Posted: 02 Feb 2006 at 7:46am
Yes, I am a govt. employee, NO, I dont think it was fair to use my hard earned vacation time because of uncontrollable circumstances. To finish the story, I had a conversation with upper management about this issue who also agreed that being late was NOT my fault, and I was granted administrative leave for the time I was in late. I bet that REALLY pisses you off now doesnt it? Have a lovely day.


Posted By: mikester
Date Posted: 02 Feb 2006 at 8:48am
Nothing better than beating the boss. "The Government" is a big term including many agencies that have nothing to do with roads. And like the private world, it is the persons responsibility to get to work on time under reasonable circumstances.

Posted By: dickboyd
Date Posted: 02 Feb 2006 at 2:04pm
Originally posted by mikester
[br]Nothing better than beating the boss. "The Government" is a big term including many agencies that have nothing to do with roads. And like the private world, it is the persons responsibility to get to work on time under reasonable circumstances.

Is there a government agency that DOES have something to do with roads? Just because there are other government agencies that have duties NOT related to roads doesn't give the government road people a free pass to do whatever they want.

The places where ride sharing works have this in common. The employers have banded together to promote ride sharing. The employers have banded together to ensure the transportation system is adequate.

3-M in Minneapolis-St.Paul, Oak Ridge Labs, Automobile plants in Windsor, Canada, Oil Companies in Texas, Insurance companies in the northeast, rail companies nationwide, most state capitals and many county seats have successful ride sharing programs due to the efforts of the employer. Many have successful road campaigns due to the efforts of the Chamber of Commerce or some affilitation of employers.

Ride sharing was instituted as an alternative to building more roads. When those employers went to the roads people, the roads people told them how much it would cost to get "adequate" roads. The roads people asked the employers if there was something that employers could do to reduce peak demand.

In my experience those employers also had and continue to have a great deal to say about the transportation system in their area. One driving factor is the number of parking spaces the employer has to provide. Another is the amount of tax, or the waiving of taxes to entice new businesses.

Has the government given up on providing adequate transportation? Or have the people lowered their expectations of what "adequate" transportation is.

Is adequate now "reasonable"? Is it reasonable to spend an extra 15 minutes per day on the morning commute every day because one day in twenty the traffic will be so bad as to delay commute time by 15 minutes?

John Mason of SAIC and former Mayor of the City of Fairfax epitomizes the new generation of politicians. When asked about lost worker productivity due to traffic discussions around the coffee pot and attitute adustment time, John said "That doesn't happen at SAIC." End of discussion.

Screw you guys that are at companies that lose productivity. Get away from that coffee pot, stop your whining. Nose to grindstone, shoulder to the wheel, you are on company time now.

Pitchforks, torches, storm the castle.

I see by the Post that Jack Herrity has passed away. For those of you asking "Jack who", Jack was almost singlehandedly responsible for the explosive growth in northern Virginia. OK, he had some help from Til Hazel. Jack's passing leaves commuters with one less champion.

Hey boss, if you want me here on time, send a note over to VDOT asking them for "adequate" roads. Or pay me portal to portal for my lost time spent compensating for those inadequate roads. OK, skip the second part, settle for getting the boss to sent a letter to VDOT. The boss, for you federal employees might be W. Or maybe OMB or OPM. Pick your letters.

Don't you just love how governments speak alphabet?

When was the last time you recruited a slug?

Posted By: SillyBilly
Date Posted: 02 Feb 2006 at 2:17pm
Jack be nimble jack be quick jack destroyed the barbershop with a single stick.

Posted By: getmehome pweeze
Date Posted: 02 Feb 2006 at 2:59pm
Geez- I thought I rant, sometimes Dick, I can't see which side of the line your head hurts...


Posted By: SillyBilly
Date Posted: 02 Feb 2006 at 3:39pm
Hahaha Getmehomepweeze made a funny! I thought I was the only one that got a headache and saw the room spin after reading all that. I think dickboyd is a news reporter.

Posted By: slugbeans
Date Posted: 02 Feb 2006 at 3:39pm
i pooped my pants! its all over me leg!

Posted By: sluDgE
Date Posted: 02 Feb 2006 at 4:13pm
[:p] Sometimes "Dicky B" is to sluggin' as "Dicky V" is to college basketball ..... extremely verbous! [:p]

Posted By: Luvmyhybrid
Date Posted: 02 Feb 2006 at 4:21pm
My point was to GMHP that the "government" meaning departments, agencies, DOI, USDA, Homeland Security, etc. should not have to grant administrative leave and/or waive annual leave to employees because they are LATE due to traffic problems. Again, it's not the burden of these agences (your federal place of employment should you be a FEDERAL employee) if you are LATE to work, (folks, that's what ANNUAL LEAVE IS FOR!) and I as a TAXPAYER do not agree that the GOVERNMENT should be granting ADMINISTRATIVE LEAVE because of a truck accident. Come on, this is right up there with the FLEECING of AmERica! This is what annual leave, credit hours, flex time, yada yada yada was created for!

There, enough ranting -- have a nice day to you as well.

Posted By: TROLL
Date Posted: 02 Feb 2006 at 4:37pm
How does that work? I am fortunate to have an understanding boss, plus I usually work through my lunch if needed when I am late. But I didn't know companies based it from the Gov. to "forgive" someone for being late due to traffic.

Posted By: getmehome pweeze
Date Posted: 03 Feb 2006 at 8:25am
Geez, remind me not to share anymore. One stinkin time the traffic was purely insane, I had the luck of a higher up being understanding about it. For that I get burned? Whatever man.


Posted By: RCA
Date Posted: 03 Feb 2006 at 8:32am
Well, the replies started off good. (smile) I generally work at my desk through lunch. I take a walk to the kitchen, heat up my lunch, and work through. Leaving earlier is not a real problem, in fact it's not a problem at all. I leave at four because I do have kids getting out of school and things of that nature. My wife works on Quantico but her day doesn't end until 5. Either way, I'd just like to get home as soon as possible - getting home at 7 O'Clock everyday is not a lot of fun. (smile)...

It just burns me up because I work late on certain occasions with no comp time or overtime, and I figure 8 hours is 8 hours so if I happen to be 10-15 minutes late why not just work 10-15 minutes over? An understanding super would be a wonderful thing.

Thanks for all the comments!

Posted By: TROLL
Date Posted: 03 Feb 2006 at 8:48am
I think GMHP wasn't talking about being only 10-15 minutes late. I've been an hour late to work because of an accident that slowed traffic way down, and it didn't appear to be due to being cautious. You know...the oogling over an accident. "oooh I've never seen an accident before, are there any bodies?" JUST DRIVE!
But it's hard to make up an hour if you get off at 5pm then have to wait for the next availible ride home. Who knows when that might be?

Posted By: Oosik
Date Posted: 03 Feb 2006 at 8:56am
RCA, You took a job in Rosslyn but because of the cost of housing, quality of life, etc. you live in Fredricksburg ... and it's your bosses fault for wanting you to be a work on time?

As a supervisor I can tell you that getting people to work the hours they are paid to work is a great challenge. Let one employee get away with coming in late and pretty soon the entire workforce is on their own schedule. I also know having worked in a factory during my college days that the boss didn't care what the roads were like he wanted us there at 6 a.m. Actually, I would love it if the federal government went to a time card like they do in many civilian jobs.

Not only do you complain about the fact that your occassionally late, your boss has already made special allowances for your hours of work. I think your indignation is a little bit misplaced. I recommend you make a greater effort to be to work on time or move to a place where the traffic is not such an issue.

If you are working late, make sure your boss knows it and approves it so you do get comp time.

BTW, why are both of us posting messages during work hours?????

Posted By: getmehome pweeze
Date Posted: 03 Feb 2006 at 3:02pm
If you had read what I wrote, I commented on being just a few minutes late, versus the brunch time arrival.


Posted By: mikester
Date Posted: 03 Feb 2006 at 3:16pm
There are plenty of government agencies that deal with roads. VDOT sound familiar? Who knows how many on the federal side. As far as I'm aware, the government has made no attemps to facilitate any type of ride sharing. I just got a commuter benefit option finally, and only because Bush made it a law. Of course congress did't give us money for it, but it's there. Some of the companies like 3m, sound like they're in a different situation than downtown DC. 3M can build a parking lot pretty easy. I gotta work 10 more years to think about getting a parking pass. And for someone that's on company time with the nose to the grindstone and the shoulder on the wheel, you post so much on here I did't think you had a job. But I do agree with you somewhat. Our Local, State and Federal governments have let us down with transportation issues. It seems they wait until problems become huge, then spend an enormous amount of money on them , only to be in a similar situation a short time later. Instead of lowest bid contracts, why not spend more on better quality materials to reduce maintenance costs in the long run? Then the savings could build more useful things than filling potholes. I think there's a lack of planning for the future, but I don't build the roads, so I don't know what challenges they have

Posted By: TROLL
Date Posted: 03 Feb 2006 at 3:34pm
Wow! What crawled up Miksters butt today?![xx(]

Posted By: getmehome pweeze
Date Posted: 06 Feb 2006 at 8:27am to work 5 minutes EARLY today!!! WOOO HOOO!!


Posted By: RCA
Date Posted: 06 Feb 2006 at 1:25pm

I think you misunderstand the post. Yes, I took a jobin Rosslyn, but on the other hand I was hired living in Fredericksburg. I'm not saying it's my supervisor's fault or anything of the kind, what I'm saying is I can't be held to a timeline when events beyond my control occur. It's not my concern about "getting the workforce to work their hours"...I can only be accountable for me. When I work overtime there is no reward - that is why we work - the reward. If I walk in 15 minutes late but I bust humps to get ahead of the curb and receive above the line appraisals...I think that you should not micromanage my day. I leave early enough to get to work, most days I arrive with no issues, but some days (as we all know) you simply can't. I know there are no easy answers, but sheesh....a little understanding would go a long way.

Thanks for the inputs people - I appreciate it. I'll just leave really early and hope it pays off down the line. [^]

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