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Now is the time to write Richmond

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Topic: Now is the time to write Richmond
Posted By: Bob
Subject: Now is the time to write Richmond
Date Posted: 03 Jan 2006 at 8:20am
Concerned about hybrid and HOT!

The VA legislative session starts in January. NOW is the time to write.

Below is the site for communicating with your state delegate or senator. The website both determines who your representatives are (you provide your address) and provides a text box for your message. You may need to use Internet Explorer to have it work.

Promote HIGH OCCUPANCY commuting. NO HOT on 95. And end the snobbish, damaging, and unfair hybrid exemption.

Posted By: mikester
Date Posted: 03 Jan 2006 at 11:07am
Mark Cole gave me a response within a couple of days.

Posted By: goober
Date Posted: 03 Jan 2006 at 4:15pm

Thanks for providing the link and being so proactive. You can count on me to do my part. I hope everyone else on this board wakes up on does their part too, except for those that favor HOT and the silly ones that don't make sense.


Posted By: conversantcars
Date Posted: 03 Jan 2006 at 8:40pm
If you write, suggest a Transportation Challenge for Conversant Cars. It is a practical way to escape the dilemna of being caught between too many cars and too little money (your money). I haven't dreamed up a five sentence explanation, you'll need to check the web site at If you have a phone modem connection, check out the graphical concept and then go to the small movie.

Posted By: SillyBilly
Date Posted: 04 Jan 2006 at 11:19am
Can we go ahead and make a suggestion that it be incorporated for the drivers to please fill up their vehicles with gasoline BEFORE picking us up?
This keeps happening and the fact that some drivers don't allow riders to smoke, but they lite up a cigarette themselves. That doesn't make any sense?

Posted By: mikester
Date Posted: 04 Jan 2006 at 1:56pm
Drivers should have plenty of gas before they go out. I always do. Smoking is at the discretion of the driver. I don't allow people to smoke in my backseats, but the front are ok.

Posted By: SillyBilly
Date Posted: 04 Jan 2006 at 2:00pm
So, what do you do if you have a car full of smokers? I'm not a smoker, so I really don't csre but I was just wondering.
That'd be like saying it's ok to drink in the front of the car but not the backseat.
What if we were to get really dehydrated and sat in the back? Can we crawl up to the front and take a sip of the cool refreshment in the front seat?

Posted By: Jerry Seinfeld
Date Posted: 04 Jan 2006 at 2:02pm
What's the deal with the smoking? Can'y a person wait to get out side to smoke, they have to blow all that smoke into the back seat where the non-smokers are forced to sit?

Posted By: SillyBilly
Date Posted: 04 Jan 2006 at 2:02pm
whats the deal with your show? it's not on anymore.

Posted By: getmehome pweeze
Date Posted: 06 Jan 2006 at 12:20pm
I dont think that I have ever had a driver light up a smoke, man, that woulda been nice.


Posted By: NoSUV
Date Posted: 13 Jan 2006 at 9:15am
Originally posted by Bob
[br]Concerned about hybrid and HOT!

The VA legislative session starts in January. NOW is the time to write.

Below is the site for communicating with your state delegate or senator. The website both determines who your representatives are (you provide your address) and provides a text box for your message. You may need to use Internet Explorer to have it work.

Promote HIGH OCCUPANCY commuting. NO HOT on 95. And end the snobbish, damaging, and unfair hybrid exemption.

Thanks, Bob. I sent my input to both explaining that the best way to balance the congestion until HOT comes along is to extend the exemption - and used emails I received from every candidate in the last election to whom I wrote (all supported its extention). Shoot, even Dr. Gridlock is onboard with the hybrid exemption - seems you and other hybrid haters are in the minority.

Posted By: N_or_S_bound
Date Posted: 13 Jan 2006 at 12:39pm

"seems you and other hybrid haters are in the minority".

Seems a fairly presumptuous statement to make.

First, it's not about the technology or even those driving them. It is about the exemption--that's what people dislike.

How does one draw the conclusion that it is a minority that "hates" hybrids (e.g. the exemption)?

If we could get the stats on just how many ride the HOV in a compliant state (without exemptions), we could make a much more factually accurate statement. Ask THAT majority number the question about extending the exemption(s). I presume here that the majority is those who choose to share the ride.

Ask bus riders if exemptions achieve overall good for commuting. Ask carpoolers, vanpooler, slugs or drivers the same.

The exemption existed (presumably) to achieve a change in buying behaviors in order to promote a new technology (I say they were a political payoff by car manufacturers and do little-no good to attain what you preach). This occured at the expense of a great number (probably) of people and provided relatively little benefit to the greatest number of people. Other incentives existed and others exist to promote the technology. The exemption is not necessarily contributory to the greater good (don't forget hybrids do their best work on battery power which occurs in stop and go traffic which exists in the main lanes).

HOV rules and restrictions also attempt to change behaviors. Commuting behaviors. HOV-4 (without exemptions) would go along way further toward achieving that aim.

Want to balance the main lanes with the HOV? Pick up riders or form a carpool to REDUCE the mainlane traffic in an HOV-4 environment.

Oh, were it about reducing emissions, we'd already be driving true ALTERNATIVE fuel vehicles.

So many disconnects with your logic, so little time.


SOV because you can, HOV because you care!

Posted By: NoSUV
Date Posted: 13 Jan 2006 at 3:14pm
Already got a response back from my delegate, David Bullova:
"Thank you for your concern regarding hybrid vehicles and HOV access. I agree that it is important to encourage clean fuel vehicles and I support extending the HOV exemption"
Still have yet to hear from a single elected official opposing extending the exemption.

Have to wonder, NoSB, if it's YOU with the logic disconnects.

Posted By: TROLL
Date Posted: 13 Jan 2006 at 3:45pm
Hey Kevin,
Any comment on this?

I am getting worried now.

I want to make sure before I order.


Posted by Max Dissipation (A) on December 07, 2005 at 01:33:09
In Reply to: Re: Sounds reasonable to me (nt) posted by Tungsten Thumper on December 2, 2005 at 09:41:06:

Hi John
Well, this is how I understand it, but maybe I am wrong:
If you are talking about SE operation, 1250VDC with 430VRMS AC, then the plate voltage will swing between 1250 + 430 * SQRT(2) and 1250 - 430 * SQRT(2)


1858 V maximum
642 V minimum

With no signal, the plate voltage will be 1250V
As you increase the signal amplitude the voltage will swing above and below the DC level. This is possible because the transformer stores and releases energy in the form of magnetic flux.

The 1858 is above the winding to core isolation, but I don't know if that's a problem.

Kevin, could you clarify? Am I talking rubbish?

Posted By: MDC
Date Posted: 13 Jan 2006 at 4:21pm
Did you know the word "gullible" is not in the dictionary? Politicians told you...

Posted By: N_or_S_bound
Date Posted: 14 Jan 2006 at 3:06pm
nah, pretty sure my logic is intact and sound. In fact on very solid footing.

You would trust a politico? I don't and won't unless I know them personally.

It's a shame but I'm right more than I'm wrong when it comes to politicians.

You see NoSUV, I agree with you. I agree the politicos will agree with what you put forward. I also agree they will support the exemption. I KNOW they are bought and paid for lock, stock and barrel.

BOUGHT by car/oil cooperative PACs.

BOUGHT by companies that benefit from toll proposals (even if the road isn't built).

BOUGHT by the companies that will build the toll roads.

BOUGHT by those who will run the toll roads.

NOSUV, if you disagree with my logic then you are generaring another conflict internal to your thrust points. So, question my logic if you like, but that doesn't further your credibility.

sorry bud...


SOV because you can, HOV because you care!

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