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Why Oh Why

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Topic: Why Oh Why
Posted By: Uhura1
Subject: Why Oh Why
Date Posted: 20 Nov 2005 at 11:52am
Why do women feel it's OK to put make up on in other people's vehicles?

I am usually a rider and I would never do that. I would be afraid that the make up would spill or something...

I like to see them try to do it on the sly too-as if they think the driver will not hear the click of the makeup case or see them in the rear view mirror painting themselves...LOL

Live Long and Prosper

Posted By: frankiestein
Date Posted: 21 Nov 2005 at 8:46am
So I guess we are to just sit there like zombies riding home, or to work?
We talk and talk and talk and laugh and laugh and sometimes play a quick game of cards in our slug van.
What's wrong with putting on make up or tlaking on the phone quietly?
I don't remember seeing that in the ediquette part.

Posted By: mikester
Date Posted: 21 Nov 2005 at 11:00am
I think an organized van and a personal car are two different situations. I don't believe that the make-up is appropiate in someones vehicle.

Posted By: Uhura1
Date Posted: 21 Nov 2005 at 11:21am
Originally posted by frankiestein
[br]So I guess we are to just sit there like zombies riding home, or to work?
We talk and talk and talk and laugh and laugh and sometimes play a quick game of cards in our slug van.
What's wrong with putting on make up or tlaking on the phone quietly?
I don't remember seeing that in the ediquette part.

You pay to ride in the slug van, no? So the cost of any spills or other mishaps is basically covered. This is not the situation in someone's private vehicle...

Live Long and Prosper

Posted By: Uhura1
Date Posted: 21 Nov 2005 at 11:25am
Originally posted by frankiestein
[br]So I guess we are to just sit there like zombies riding home, or to work?
We talk and talk and talk and laugh and laugh and sometimes play a quick game of cards in our slug van.
What's wrong with putting on make up or tlaking on the phone quietly?
I don't remember seeing that in the ediquette part.

The etiquette says no talking, eating, or drinking...I believe that application of cosmetics would fall under the category of eating or drinking: The concern would be spillage / damage to the driver's vehicle, no?

Live Long and Prosper

Posted By: N_or_S_bound
Date Posted: 21 Nov 2005 at 11:34am
Good points Uhura. Challenge is the list can be endless about what you can't do.

Seems it would be much easier for everyone if a positive goal is set like "treat others better than you'd expect to be treated".


SOV because you can, HOV because you care!

Posted By: Uhura1
Date Posted: 21 Nov 2005 at 11:39am
Originally posted by N_or_S_bound
[br]Good points Uhura. Challenge is the list can be endless about what you can't do.

Seems it would be much easier for everyone if a positive goal is set like "treat others better than you'd expect to be treated".


SOV because you can, HOV because you care!

I agree with that though I suspect not many people would advocate treating others better than they would treat themselves. I think we can only (realistically) ask for the bare minimum-which should be: Treat others as you would want to be treated.

I wouldn't want someone spilling their face in my car or getting the colored powder all over the place (and believe me-it does travel) so I wouldn't do that to anyone else.

Live Long and Prosper

Posted By: getmehome pweeze
Date Posted: 21 Nov 2005 at 12:41pm
We seem to bring this topic up every few months on rotation. Do your makeup at home... or wait till you get to work, its just rude.


Posted By: N_or_S_bound
Date Posted: 21 Nov 2005 at 1:20pm
I believe in shooting for the higher goal and then accepting something less when I fall short. As I normally do.


SOV because you can, HOV because you care!

Posted By: Uhura1
Date Posted: 21 Nov 2005 at 1:35pm
Originally posted by N_or_S_bound
[br]I believe in shooting for the higher goal and then accepting something less when I fall short. As I normally do.


SOV because you can, HOV because you care!

I understand...

One thing I notice with this issue is this: Whenever I say, pls do not apply make up in my car, they get angry. One even had the nerve to argue with me! LOL

Live Long and Prosper

Posted By: frankiestein
Date Posted: 21 Nov 2005 at 1:37pm
Who is going to eat or drink makeup?
All I'm saying is if they are powdering, I wouldn't see anything wrong with that, but what do I know? I don't even own a car so...whatever.

Posted By: Uhura1
Date Posted: 21 Nov 2005 at 2:10pm
Originally posted by frankiestein
[br]Who is going to eat or drink makeup?
All I'm saying is if they are powdering, I wouldn't see anything wrong with that, but what do I know? I don't even own a car so...whatever.

You would be surprised. Ha x 2

The point is that the concern with any of those three activities (eating, drinking, application of make up) is a valid one: spillage / damage to the driver's vehicle.

Live Long and Prosper

Posted By: pplmvrs
Date Posted: 21 Nov 2005 at 3:38pm
put your make up on at home! Is it that hard??

Posted By: ehoberg
Date Posted: 02 Dec 2005 at 2:18pm
Yeah actually it is that hard. some of us have another hour or so to go after we stop at the commuter lot. Close your eyes and that will fix the problem.

on the other hand, let's talk about some of the music that invades our space . . .

Posted By: n/a
Date Posted: 02 Dec 2005 at 3:05pm
ehoberg, courtesy is the rule! As riders, we must be courteous and respectful of the driver's space. I would never impose, but some would. Drivers are kind enough to offer us a free ride, I would not presume to expect that their car mirror is now my vanity mirror. Show a little respect and humility.

Applying makeup in a slug drivers car is just plain rude!

Posted By: mikester
Date Posted: 02 Dec 2005 at 3:26pm
Originally posted by ehoberg
[br]Yeah actually it is that hard. some of us have another hour or so to go after we stop at the commuter lot. Close your eyes and that will fix the problem.

on the other hand, let's talk about some of the music that invades our space . . .

I think the majority of us have an hour or so to go. That doesn't mean we can be rude to each other

Arguing on the internet is like the special olympics, no matter who wins, you're still retarded

Posted By: ehoberg
Date Posted: 02 Dec 2005 at 3:36pm
well, perhaps. but what is rude is not concrete. so what you think is rude, I don't and vice versa and we can never have a consensus.

I think it's unspeakable to have stupid christian music blaring at uncomfortable levels or even music with sexually explicit content. When I drive, I don't put on Howard Stern. You can bet someone would feel comfortable in telling me what to listen to, but it's not reciprocated. rules, it seems, go only one way.

I can't sit here and cow tow to the nth degree of someone's spurious definition. need is the impetus that breaks boundaries and until someone asks me not to . . .we have to compromise a little.

Posted By: annsyp
Date Posted: 02 Dec 2005 at 4:14pm
I play Christian music in my car most mornings. I've never heard anyone complain, and have even had a rider ask me who the artist is, then write down the name and say they will buy the CD.

However, if someone in my car said they were offended by the music, or simply didn't like it, I would happily change the CD. There's no reason for someone to be miserable because of something simple like music.

Slugging creates a community, and we can only be happy if we tell each other what bothers us (in person, not on an anonymous board). This is for sure: if slugs start asking the drivers if they mind a specific action (drinking coffee, putting on makeup, using a book light to read in the evenings, etc.), we will find many drivers don't mind (and are just appreciative to have warm bodies in the car so they don't have to sit in the slow lanes). But if a driver does mind, and is given the option to ask the rider not to engage in the action, there will be a whole lot less resentment toward slugs. And the whole experience would be more pleasant for all involved.

Posted By: Baz
Date Posted: 02 Dec 2005 at 7:12pm
I picked up an older woman at Horner once and she started applying makeup immediately. Im not a bad driver, but I do drive a pickup - so it may have been a little bumpy up to the Pentagon. By the time we got there she was complaining how her makeup wasnt on as perfect as usual. Well, she was pretty Ive attached the picture of her...

Posted By: gmugrad
Date Posted: 05 Dec 2005 at 9:46am
Actually it is a basic rule in general that women should not brush their hair or touch up makeup in public. This is why you excuse yourself to go powder your nose.

Yes powder can be messy and make a mess in someone elses car. I say sit in your own car and put it on before you get in the line if you want to have it on before you get to work.

Posted By: N_or_S_bound
Date Posted: 05 Dec 2005 at 10:13am
Put it on while waiting in line. Have the person standing on one side of you hold your umbrella and the one on the other side hold a mirror for you. The umbrella-holder can also hold the flashlight!


SOV because you can, HOV because you care!

Posted By: pplmvrs
Date Posted: 05 Dec 2005 at 11:05am
did you tell me to close my eyes and that would fix the problem?? I'm the driver! How am I supposed to close my eyes? I put on my make up before I leave the house in the morning. I get up very early also and have things to do before I even leave for work, like many other people on this site. I find the time to get myself ready before I leave.

Posted By: ehoberg
Date Posted: 05 Dec 2005 at 1:25pm
I didn't say I put on make up in the car, I was just arguing because I just think it's funny that we have rules about what is and what is not rude, like we are a polite society. we're not. we are a plebian society. Some would even declare that it's rude to say something is rude. not me. I think what is and what is not rude is completely subjective and there is no way to come to a concensus. I no longer live to supplicate someone else's spurious definition of good behavior.

As far as humility goes, microphones are not instruments of humility, and that more than anything is the offense I take at Christian music. it's usually neither. I think that anyone who would impose something on someone else, which goes back to the makeup thing, in such a way, especially in light of the advantage that person may have over another, is void of humility or grace.

and the offense on my part is that I have the audacity to speak up.

Posted By: scoobydoo
Date Posted: 05 Dec 2005 at 2:38pm
Come on pplmvrs, you can't drive with your eyes closed? It would be fun, you should try it sometime.

Posted By: sluDgE
Date Posted: 05 Dec 2005 at 5:34pm
Can anyone translate what ehoberg is trying to say?
What a confused mess of words!
[}:)]Is he/she drunk or on drugs- or just naturally incoherent? [}:)]

Posted By: scoobydoo
Date Posted: 06 Dec 2005 at 7:02am
Make-up, micro[hones,humanity....hmmmm....I'M LOST!

Posted By: pplmvrs
Date Posted: 06 Dec 2005 at 1:19pm

Posted By: HOV3Slug
Date Posted: 07 Dec 2005 at 9:13am
It must be a woman thing to get upset with this. I figure if a woman is going to paint her face she’ll exercise the needed care not to trash the car. And if she’s good looking and showing some killer legs – she can file her finger nails too. But yes, I agree, the more refined women know how to “keep it real”.

Posted By: Freud
Date Posted: 07 Dec 2005 at 9:56am
I wouldn't be very happy having someone putt make up in my car inconsiderate -- and even though none of it is actually spilled, you still end up with it on your fingers and then the female slug touches your sun visor and smears makeup on that, or your seats or the door.

I wouldn't say anything but I wouldn't be too pleased. I haven't had anyone do it yet in my car........

Posted By: koakui
Date Posted: 07 Dec 2005 at 4:22pm
I would never put makeup on in a public forum, not even in my own car by myself. To me that is personal grooming and needs to be done at home before you leave the house. I HATE getting up in the mornings but I am always able to manage to pull myself up, shower, do makeup, etc. and get out the door albeit in a rush but still. I have ridden with people who do put on their makeup and I cringe when they do but it has never happened when I drive, only when I've been a rider and the other person is a rider as well. The driver didn't say anything so I guess it didn't bother them.

Posted By: Freud
Date Posted: 08 Dec 2005 at 2:44pm
Kinda like shaving your pits in public? LOL......

Just because we don't say anything doesn't mean that we don't like it, but speaking for myself - I don't think its worth it to say anything.

Posted By: Uhura1
Date Posted: 16 Dec 2005 at 9:16am
Originally posted by HOV3Slug
[br]It must be a woman thing to get upset with this. I figure if a woman is going to paint her face she’ll exercise the needed care not to trash the car. And if she’s good looking and showing some killer legs – she can file her finger nails too. But yes, I agree, the more refined women know how to “keep it real”.

You are so assinine for even stating this. MEN came back and pointed out that even if the make up isn;t spilled, it gets on the person's fingers and makes it's way onto any surface in the car that the slug touches afterwards.

So if she's good looking it should be OK?

Stupidity must be YOUR thing.

Live Long and Prosper

Posted By: TROLL
Date Posted: 16 Dec 2005 at 10:13am
Ring around the rosies and such.

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