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No Fragrances Please

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Topic: No Fragrances Please
Posted By: tarziera
Subject: No Fragrances Please
Date Posted: 04 Nov 2004 at 9:36am
I am fairly new at the slug game but I think it is a wonderful system. I always drive, for several reasons, but enjoy most of the people who ride with me. They are polite and quiet, though some snore. I have only one complaint--PERFUMES AND FRAGRANCES. While I appreciate riding with clean people, I am about ready to put a sign in the window that says "FRAGRANCE FREE RIDERS ONLY". I'm not talking about soap and hairspray-- I'm talking about the many perfumes and after shaves in which some of my passengers seem to bathe. I am allergic to many fragrances and a some have actually triggered asthmatic reactions. Allergies not withstanding, 6:00 a.m. is just too early to for heavy smells (even good ones). It literally makes me sick sometimes. I don't want to be rude and I realize I need to be as tolerant as possible but this is something I really need some advice on. Any suggestions from you experienced types.
"Gasping for air"

Posted By: pb1974
Date Posted: 04 Nov 2004 at 9:45am
If you're allergic, I don't see anything wrong with making a sign that says what you suggested - Fragrance-Free Riders Only. It may cause a couple of comments from the line, but you have to do what you have to do.

Posted By: pplmvrs
Date Posted: 04 Nov 2004 at 9:47am
I know where you are coming from. The rider I had this morning had so much perfume on I thought I was going to be sick the entire way to the Pentagon. It was terrible

Posted By: Uhura
Date Posted: 04 Nov 2004 at 11:11am
Originally posted by tarziera
[br]I am fairly new at the slug game but I think it is a wonderful system. I always drive, for several reasons, but enjoy most of the people who ride with me. They are polite and quiet, though some snore. I have only one complaint--PERFUMES AND FRAGRANCES. While I appreciate riding with clean people, I am about ready to put a sign in the window that says "FRAGRANCE FREE RIDERS ONLY". I'm not talking about soap and hairspray-- I'm talking about the many perfumes and after shaves in which some of my passengers seem to bathe. I am allergic to many fragrances and a some have actually triggered asthmatic reactions. Allergies not withstanding, 6:00 a.m. is just too early to for heavy smells (even good ones). It literally makes me sick sometimes. I don't want to be rude and I realize I need to be as tolerant as possible but this is something I really need some advice on. Any suggestions from you experienced types.
"Gasping for air"

Ah... the trials & tribulations of the va slug line...

I think that a sign would be the polite/PC thing to do. You could make up a sign that says:

Fragrance Free & Non-Smoking Riders Only

Who can blame you for having allergies?

Keep us posted!

Live Long and Prosper

Posted By: qorc
Date Posted: 04 Nov 2004 at 12:20pm
well, most people who wear the stuff wouldn't be aware that it was overpowering, or even AGREE with you on the subject.

to be frank and honest. People that have too many "please don'ts" for slugs shouldn't be drivers. It's bad enough we have to get into cars of varying quality, put up with the driver's sense of "good music", listen to drivers talk on their cell phones for the entire trip, with one hand on the wheel and going 85...

now I have to worry about whether my cologne is acceptable???

Just stop driving! please!

Posted By: sluDgE
Date Posted: 04 Nov 2004 at 12:29pm
"People that have too many "please don'ts" for slugs shouldn't be drivers." - gorc, 4 Nov 04

Amen! gorc is a person with deep and true wisdom.
God bless gorc! [;)]

Posted By: ronin718
Date Posted: 04 Nov 2004 at 4:08pm
Sorry, but the excessive fragrance issue goes beyond the driver. I'm sure such an aromatic individual is going to be just as offensive to the fellow slugs as they are to the driver, and the aroma is going to linger for some time in the vehicle.

Drivers should be able to establish some guidelines for their vehicle, particularly if the problem could become life-threatening. Gorc, maybe it's time you start driving. Have a go in the other person's shoes, or in this case, seat. After a few go-rounds with riders exhibiting annoying qualities, you might acquire a different perspective.

Posted By: pplmvrs
Date Posted: 04 Nov 2004 at 4:13pm
I am a very good driver for my slugs. I don't keep my car too cold or too hot. I make sure my car is clean. I don't keep my radio too loud, it doesn't bother me if someone gets a phone call. I even had my back light turned on last night because the person in the back seat was trying to read. Just because a person this morning had too much perfume on and it was making me sick does not mean that I shouldn't be a driver. I have been driving in for about 10 years and I really don't have ANY rules. Maybe you are being too critical of the drivers. Just a thought

Posted By: waterelf
Date Posted: 05 Nov 2004 at 8:57am
I also have ridden with people (drivers and other slugs alike) who wear way too much scent. It's just as bad as the ones who get in smelling like they've been rolling in the pig pen.

Posted By: ScarletLSG
Date Posted: 05 Nov 2004 at 9:21am
Just because I COULD NOT contain myself when seeing that Uhura is actually recommending a "polite/PC thing to do."

>>Fragrance Free & Non-Smoking Riders Only

I would have expected something more along the lines of:

** No wenches who stink **

Again, I just couldn't contain myself.


Posted By: Uhura
Date Posted: 05 Nov 2004 at 9:22am
Originally posted by pplmvrs
I am a very good driver for my slugs. I don't keep my car too cold or too hot. I make sure my car is clean. I don't keep my radio too loud, it doesn't bother me if someone gets a phone call. I even had my back light turned on last night because the person in the back seat was trying to read. Just because a person this morning had too much perfume on and it was making me sick does not mean that I shouldn't be a driver. I have been driving in for about 10 years and I really don't have ANY rules. Maybe you are being too critical of the drivers. Just a thought

I agree. If the person has allergies or simply prefers not to be overwhelmed by odors in the morning, our is not to question why...

I have been both a driver and a slug, and this is a symbiotic relationship. I think that a driver would be well within their rights to have a sign that says "Fragrance Free / Non smokers Please."

Live Long and Prosper

Posted By: SpongeBob
Date Posted: 05 Nov 2004 at 9:27am
I slugged one morning out of 234 with a couple in an old Lincoln Town Car. They had, no lie, way over 200 of those little pine-tree-shaped odor thingies hanging in rubber-banded batches of twenty or thirty from every door handle and protrusion in the car. They were in all different scents -- pine, butterscotch, lemon, New Car, licorice... oh, the smell was simply indescribable.

Posted By: RCA
Date Posted: 05 Nov 2004 at 10:02am
LOL@MyDesk!!!!!! WOW. I'm sorry for the Allergies...but that was funny. I suppose there are people who wear too much cologne or perfume - in fact there are some who don't wear enough if you know what I mean...but it seems that we are trying to "over manage" the lines. Good common sense goes a long way - if we start to over-regulate we'll be sorry and mostly upset.

I have ridden with all types - the snorers, the talkers, the stinkers, the smokers, the speeders, the politicians, the cell phone addicts, the arguing couple, the lovey dovey couple, the WAYYYYY too locey dovey couple...My point is - let's take it in stride and enjoy the ride. Too many good people out here to let one apple ruin the bushel.


Posted By: pplmvrs
Date Posted: 05 Nov 2004 at 10:44am

Posted By: KNLNGUS
Date Posted: 05 Nov 2004 at 10:51am
I used to pick up slugs at taketts enroute to rosslyn. There is one lady who bathes in Indian talc powder. In the summer, with the windows down, I could smell her when I would make that left hand turn passed the slug line (line for rossyln and crystal city). I would pray that by the time I turned around she would get into someone else's vehicle. Sure enough, I got her once, and by the time I arrived at rossyln, my eye lids were swollen and I was sucking on my inhaler (imagine being 75 feet down, out of air in your tank, and you can not find your dive partner). Although I did not tell her that my problem was her bath in talc powder... I did tell her (on a different occasion) that she must get into someone else's vehicle. My leather would absorb that smell and it disgusted me that I could still smell it for a couple days.

Posted By: sluDgE
Date Posted: 05 Nov 2004 at 12:37pm
I still think if a driver's sensitivities are such that he/she must worry and lose sleep over what type of slugs he/she might pick up -- the simple answer is for that driver not to not pick up slugs and find carpool members that aren't offensive to that driver. Too many people are just way too sensitive or stubborn -- and can't find it in their souls to compromise in any way. After all, we're all on this planet for a fairly short time. [;)]

Posted By: qorc
Date Posted: 05 Nov 2004 at 1:03pm
agreed. Too many picky drivers. They shouldn't bother.

Posted By: pplmvrs
Date Posted: 05 Nov 2004 at 4:22pm
I am not picky! I didn't know the lady had so much perfume on until she was in the car. I am NOT going to ask her to get out. That would be rude. I was just making an observation. I still gave her a ride and told her to have a nice day when I dropped her off at the Pentagon. I pick up whoever is next in line. I have NEVER told someone they could not ride with me. I thought we were just having a discussion about perfume, I was not offended by the rider. GEESH!

Posted By: Uhura
Date Posted: 05 Nov 2004 at 7:03pm
Originally posted by pplmvrs
[br]I am not picky! I didn't know the lady had so much perfume on until she was in the car. I am NOT going to ask her to get out. That would be rude. I was just making an observation. I still gave her a ride and told her to have a nice day when I dropped her off at the Pentagon. I pick up whoever is next in line. I have NEVER told someone they could not ride with me. I thought we were just having a discussion about perfume, I was not offended by the rider. GEESH!

Don't even sweat it-some folks lack the ability to empathize & use reason. Allergies are allergies + Your question was totally valid.

Seriously-try the sign.

Fragrance Free / Non smoking riders only please"

You may find that as the temperature drops, your allergies may die doen a little anyway. I have allergies as well. (I have hay fever and one thing that always sets me off is a body spray called "Impulse.") My nose & eyes are definitely less sensitive during the cooler months.

Good luck

Live Long and Prosper

Posted By: Uhura
Date Posted: 05 Nov 2004 at 7:09pm
Originally posted by pplmvrs
[br]I am not picky! I didn't know the lady had so much perfume on until she was in the car. I am NOT going to ask her to get out. That would be rude. I was just making an observation. I still gave her a ride and told her to have a nice day when I dropped her off at the Pentagon. I pick up whoever is next in line. I have NEVER told someone they could not ride with me. I thought we were just having a discussion about perfume, I was not offended by the rider. GEESH!

Posted By: Dhacim
Date Posted: 12 Nov 2004 at 4:48pm
Originally posted by qorc
[br]well, most people who wear the stuff wouldn't be aware that it was overpowering, or even AGREE with you on the subject.

to be frank and honest. People that have too many "please don'ts" for slugs shouldn't be drivers. It's bad enough we have to get into cars of varying quality, put up with the driver's sense of "good music", listen to drivers talk on their cell phones for the entire trip, with one hand on the wheel and going 85...

now I have to worry about whether my cologne is acceptable???

Just stop driving! please!

Its also bad enough that we drivers have to put up with strange folks, who snore, blow their noses, sneeze, sleep, drape their belongings over all of mine, have varying degrees of cleanliness, won't shutup, pass gas, spill coffee, complain because you like talk radio, think 80 is too fast, and want me to drive with my hands at 10 and 2....What kind of crap is that? If I can tolerate that, you should be more tolerant as well....

If you think tarziera shouldn't drive, then because of your statement, perhaps...just perhaps, you SHOULD drive...

And I agree, there is not much worse than having an overpowering odor in your car at 6am.

Posted By: getmehome pweeze
Date Posted: 15 Nov 2004 at 11:05am
ha ha ha ha ha ha! Word up Dhacim. We all need to just sit back and be grateful. And cover our noses, ears, and mouths. ha!


Posted By: qorc
Date Posted: 16 Nov 2004 at 9:27am
again, if you are THAT bothered by slugs and their quirks, you really shouldn't be driving.

It's pretty simple. These are human beings, not bags of groceries. Either quit whining or quit driving.

Posted By: qorc
Date Posted: 19 Nov 2004 at 8:53am
I had the OPPOSITE experience yesterday. got into a car with a woman who had absolutely MARINATED in some fragrance. It was overwhelming. However, once you're in the vehicle, not much you can do.

Posted By: Baz
Date Posted: 19 Nov 2004 at 10:03am
I love that assessment of the lady that "MARINATED" in perfume. Funny stuff! One suggestion stated awhile back - during colder months of slugging - is right on. If you have a scarf, you have at least some protection (whether its a good/bad scent in the car). Just have a small amount of your "own scent" on the scarf and breath into it for the 25 minute ride. Hopefully the driver isnt one who likes to chat though! This slugging stuff is a riot - and we need to laugh at the good and bad sides.

Posted By: fed up
Date Posted: 19 Nov 2004 at 11:03am
There is no rule that states once you get into a car that you have to ride in that car. I once got into a car where the owner smoked and the car reeked as if he had just finished a cigarette before picking up slugs. I just as quickly got out of the car explaining that I wouldn't be able to breathe by the time we got back to Horner Road. [:D]

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