Newsletter #14                         19 Feb 2004

Slugging News…

High Occupancy Traffic (HOT) Lanes: One subject close to Sluggers is the discussion of High Occupancy Traffic (HOT) lanes for Northern Virginia. Basically, the proposal would convert I-95's existing high-occupancy vehicle lanes, or HOV lanes, into high-occupancy toll lanes, or HOT lanes, wherein high-occupancy vehicles could still travel for free but solo drivers would pay to use for a price depending on congestion -- thereby supplying a revenue source for the new road. 

Details of the proposal are listed on the Virginia Department of Transportation website (visit site) and was submitted under Virginia's Public-Private Transportation Act (PPTA). Here is a summary of that proposal:

I-95 Hot Lanes Unsolicited PPTA Proposal

Submitted in November 2003, this unsolicited proposal from Clark/SCC/KPRI would develop, finance, design and construct new high occupancy toll (HOT) lanes from I-495 to Route 17. The project would be accomplished in three phases:

  1.  Increase the capacity of the existing HOV facility to three lanes.
  2.  Connect the improved HOV facility to the Capital Beltway -- Phase 8 of the Springfield Interchange project.
  3.  Extend the HOV facility southward towards Fredericksburg.

Slugs have numerous message threads on the message board. Here are just a few:

If you have information or opinions on the use of HOT lanes for I95 please visit the website forum.

Some General Stats:

  • Website has 1808 active members.

  • 1663 subscribers to the newsletter.

  • Message Board has over 955 active topics with  5259 posts and 232,054 readings!

  • 108 Lost and 191 Found items posted on the Lost and Found Section  See the list below of items posted in the last 30 days.

To all the Slugs, Drivers and Sponsor, thanks for all the support! - Information for commuters.


Status of New Slug Lines: A number of slugs and drivers are trying to develop new slug lines.  Here is a quick status of how some of the lines are doing:

  • 14th & H St.  This relatively new slug line supports Bob's in Springfield and forms in downtown Washington, near the intersection of 14th and H Street. See Message Board for more info.
  • 610 Destination at 19th & F St.  Rt. 610 in Stafford was added as a destination to the slug line at 19th and F St. See Message Board for more info.

  • Rosslyn to Springfield Line. A new slug line was recently started on North Kent Street for the Springfield/Burke slugs. Turn onto North Kent Street and about 100 feet on the right at the speed-limit sign. See Rosslyn webpage, the original flyer, or  see Message Board

  • Herndon to Rosslyn.  Unfortunately, the line which was attempted from Herndon to Rossyln failed to attract enough commuters to get established. As a result, this line is NOT operational.

Messages with most viewings since 1 Jan 2004:

Messages with most replies:



David LeBlanc


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Lost and Found items posted in last 60 days.  See Lost and Found for more details and a complete list of items.

Lost/Found Posted
Item Title From To
Lost 20040213 Rio MP3 player Pentagon Rt. 17
Lost 20040212 Hat 14th and New York Horner Road
Lost 20040210 Cell Phone Crystal City Horner Road
Found 20040209 Cell Phone Potomac Mills Potomac Mills
Found 20040208 Sneakers Pentagon Tackett Mills
Lost 20040205 Shaklee Water Bottle Pentagon Route 17
Lost 20040205 Shaklee Water Bottle Pentagon Route 17
Lost 20040205 Ladies Black/Tan Isotoner Gloves 14th & G 610 New Lot
Lost 20040205 Men's gloves Stafford - Mine Road Rosslyn or Pentagon
Found 20040204 Gloves Potomac Mills Rosslyn
Lost 20040203 Umbrella Horner Road L'Enfant Plaza
Lost 20040203 HP 15C Calculator Pentagon Rt. 17
Found 20040202 Gloves 14th St. & New York Ave Old Hechengers Lot
Lost 20040130 Motorola i90 cell phone (flip) Pentagon Route 17
Lost 20040130 Coat belt Rolling Valley PA Ave. & 10th
Found 20040129 Bible Horner Road 18th St. and M St.
Lost 20040127 Anna Kula hat Potomac Mills Courthouse
Found 20040126 Novel L'Enfant Plaza Bob's
Lost 20040125 Keys and remote Stafford Rte. 610 Mine Rd. Lot Pentagon
Lost 20040124 2 credit cards--Military Star and MC Pentagon Horner Rd
Lost 20040122 wool ski hat 14th & Constitution Bob's
Lost 20040121 Electronic Key Ring Horner Lot Pentagon
Lost 20040119 Key's Tackett's Mills 12&Clark Crystal Cty
Found 20040119 Pursuit Garage Door Opener or Transmitter Horner Rosslyn
Lost 20040118 Men's Hat Springfield Old Circuit City 14th & Constitution
Lost 20040116 PDA Phone Route 17 Rosslyn
Found 20040116 ring Pentagon Route 17
Found 20040116 Keys Horner Road - Rosslyn Line Rosslyn
Lost 20040114 Scarf Rosslyn Potomac Mills
Lost 20040111 Pair of shoes Potomac Mills Rosslyn Metro
Found 20040110 Black glove L'Enfant or 14th St. Bob's Springfield
Found 20040108 glove 14th & H NW Bobs
Lost 20040107 Metro Smart Trip card Horner road Rosslyn
Found 20040107 Glasses Hechinger's 14th Street
Found 20040105 Motorola cell phone Sydenstricker pentagon
Found 20040105 Keys 1 Jan 04 1 Mar 04